IWM Duxford Airshow 2013

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More nice stuff there Karl, and certainly showing the dramatic changes in the skyscape.
Been going through my Nikon shots (bl**dy long job!!), and that darned focus problem is a pain - what would have been some cracking shots are out of focus! I must experiment more with the various options for focus settings and programmes.
Why Nikon couldn't keep things simple, or move the manual focus ring on their lenses to a more ergonomically 'friendly' position, I don't know!
Should have a few pics up later - I hope !
Great pictures. I like some of the photographs that didn't take as planned. I think the lack of brightness gives them a bit if a period look.

I'm of back to Duxford in a few weeks to finally get a look around the inside of Sally B before she gets taken off display for winter maintenance.

Cheers Chris
Hoping to be back at DX on Monday, 30th September, after the Bottisham Museum Open Day, after meeting up with Gary (Geedee) and his P-51 cockpit.
Anyway, I've finally managed to make a start on sorting the photos, but there's a heck of a long way to go yet!
So, as Karl has posted a good selection of the ground stuff, I'll start off with some of the day's early aerial activity, with the arrival of the RAF Tucano display aircraft, and the reserve ship. I'll post a mix of aerial and ground activity as the thread progresses.
But first, a couple of shots of the camp site we used, opposite the airfield at Fowlmere, just down the road from DX. Anyone looking for a good camp/caravan site when visiting the Museum or air shows, this is the one. It's run by a very friendly and helpful, former RAF SAR chap, and there's a 'Social Club' just across the road !
First pic shows Karl preparing to do his Chef thing, second pic a general view. As we were erecting the tent on Saturday, two 'vics' of three Spitfires roared over the trees at the left.
The aerial sequence shows the 'run and break', and stream landing of the Tucanos. (apologies for the 'spots' in some of the pics - it seems I have some tiny moisture spots on the screen in the Nikon!)
Just noticed - I cropped the fourth Tucano shot wrongly on the left side. B*gg*r !


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Thanks Hugh.
I should have a fairly comprehensive B-25 sequence posted tomorrow, but meanwhile, here are some shots of a particularly 'nice' moment during the show.
This elderly gentleman was interviewed by the show's commentator, and gave some fascinating details on flying first, the B-25 Mitchell, and then the B-24 Liberator, in the RAF during WW2. He'd already been to see the B-24 in the American Museum, but hadn't seen or been near a Mitchell in 70 years. As a surprise, the crew of the Royal Netherlands Historic Flight, took him out to their aircraft, when he was able to climb aboard and recall memories.
Priceless !


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The Spits look great with the grey backdrop. Awesome photos guys.

I have a Fuji S2980 bridge camera, and they're definitely a decent camera for the money. And a lot easier to carry round than a bigger, more expensive SLR. Although I still want to bump up to one eventually...
The B-25 Mitchell.

The Royal Netherlands Historical Flight brought their B-25 in from Holland, in one of it's first displays since emerging from a thorough overhaul. Karl and I both thought it was 'missing' slightly on at least one cylinder on the port engine, but it didn't stop it putting on not one, but four excellent displays !
The first session was an 'authorisation' flight, in order for one of the pilot's to qualify for his display licence, and having really thrown the aircraft around like a fighter, he got the required 'stamps'!
Mitchells were used by 18 (Netherlands East Indies) Squadron, RAAF, based out of Darwin during WW2, and the colour scheme is representative of this. This Squadron, and its aircraft, were transferred to Netherlands control in 1946.
The type was also used by 320 Sqn., RAF, formed from Royal Netherlands Naval Air Service personnel, most of whom had escaped to Britain, bringing their aircraft, including Fokker T-VIIIW sea planes, with them. Post war, the Squadron returned to Holland as 320 R.Nl.N.A.S., still operating the Mitchell, until replaced by Neptunes.
Following the 'authorisation' flight, the Mitchell departed to another display elsewhere and, on its return, provided a display as a 'stand in' for the F-86 Sabre, who's pilot had been taken ill.
The other two 'slots' were in company with B-17 'Sally B', and also with one of the T-28 'Fennecs'.
The following two sequences are a compilation from all flights, from start-up to taxiing back to it's parking spot, directly in front of our location.


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The B-25 Mitchell - Part Two.

Here's the second part of the Mitchell compilation, showing it with one of the 'Fennecs', before 'finals', landing, and returning to its parking slot.
EDIT:- Looks like some resolution and saturation has been lost in the transfer to the forum!


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Good work guys. Terry, the Mitchell pics are very good but I do see the granularity you mentioned. Could be in the way you're saving to your heard drive, perhaps low dpi selection. I use about 300dpi from Photoshop and it still gives a fairly low file size of under 200kB per pic.
Nice work there Karl !
Andy, the pics look fine on my monitor when viewed from the HD files. They're saved at fine resolution, but seem to have 'lost it' when posted here. I've noticed that now and then, with other pics from different sources.
EDIT:- Crossing posts there Karl. It's a Jungmann, and can't see the B-25 mate.
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