Collection of minor news may tell our reality a little bit.
Myanmar Army awards Taro Aso and his fellow the honorary title and medal
On February 20th, the Myanmar Government controlled by the army has awarded Vice President of Japan's LDP Taro Aso and Hideto Watanabe, President of the Japan Myanmar Associationthe, the honorary titles and medals in the capital city of Nepido for their contribution to the development of Myanmar while western countries are strengthening economic sanctions. Myanmar Army expects economic supports from Japan.
Watanabe is said commented "I will work hard for the development of Myanmar for the rest of my life as well as for the status of the Myanmar Army." Aso and Watanabe have long been working on the development of special economic zone in Myanmar.
【読売新聞】 【バンコク=津田知子】ミャンマーの実権を握る国軍は20日、首都ネピドーで、ミャンマーの発展に貢献したとして自民党の麻生太郎副総裁と日本ミャンマー協会会長の渡辺秀央・元郵政相に名誉称号と勲章を授与した。欧米各国が経済制裁
Myanmar people in Japan protest
On March 3rd, Myanmar people in Japan held a protest in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to ask the Japanese government's view on the awarding of honorary titles and medals in February to LDP's Vice President Taro Aso and former Minister of Posts and Telecommunications Hideo Watanabe, President of the Japan Myanmar Association, from the Myanmar Government that took power in the coup.
Aso's medal was received as an individual. Chief Cabinet Secretary confirms
Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno declined to make specific mention on the Myanmar Army awarding honorary titles and medals to LDP Vice President Taro Aso and former Post Minister Hideo Watanabe, Chairman of the Japan Myanmar Association. "I am aware that they were personally awarded the medals. The government is not in a position to comment" he said.
He also emphasized "We still maintain our position that we do not recognize the legitimacy of the February 2021 military coup."