Japan and Japanese

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Thanks, MiTasol.
My mother used to tell me "My boy. You resemble your father very well."
So, I meet my father in the mirror every day :)

My elder brother lived in Fukushima and died of stomach cancer.
I doubt rice produced there as my family had nothing to do with cancer traditionally.
Mr. shinpaichi. Do you play video games? Have you heard of a video game series called IL-2 Sturmovik?
Mr. shinpaichi. Do you play video games? Have you heard of a video game series called IL-2 Sturmovik?

I know IL-2 but I do not play video games.

I just found that Mitsubishi has a document museum that appears to house some great material. Hopefully they will post a catalogue and PDFs in the future.
三菱重工 | 大江時計台航空史料室

Yes, I hope Mitsubishi will open its historical data more generously in the internet.
Can you advise the cost of living in Japan?

I hear it's quite pricey.

Can you confirm the cost of everyday items?

Can of Coca Cola? Toyota Corolla? So an idea of what things cost everyday items we buy in UK so we can compare and contrast?
Interesting question, Basket.
For the ordinary citizens, it depends on life style for the salary between JPY150,000 and 450,000 (approx. US$1,500 to 4,500. Quot in US$ for members conveniences) a month.

Apartment for a single person is around JPY50,000 (US$500) a month in Tokyo/Osaka.
A can of Coca Cola (500ml) costs JPY100 (US$1)

Toyota Corolla (new) JPY1,930,000 to 2,940,000 (US$19,300 to 29,400)
Source: 価格.com - トヨタ カローラ|価格・新型情報・グレード諸元

If you may love Toyota Corona (used), it's as cheap as JPY190,000 to 1,980,000.- (US$1,900 to 19,800) now
Source: 価格.com - トヨタ コロナ|価格・新型情報・グレード諸元

For more details, please refer to the cost of living in Japan -
Cost of Living in Japan
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I found this on CNN and it shows that the Japanese youth are no different to the Australian youth in wanting McMansions rather than the works of craft and art that old houses often are. I am no gardener but to destroy the garden in this story to put up a group of modern soulless little boxes should be a crime. Expats buy Japanese country house for a song and get way more than they bargained for.

To think that the history in the house (documents etc) were destined for destruction is equally sad.

Fitting hidden ducted heating and cooling would not be that expensive but I must admit the running costs would not be low. Given the low purchase cost of the house I would expect it would still be cost effective and, like the house, that garden is a work of art in itself.
Such western migrants are welcomed as not only they don't flock together but also pay respects to the local culture.

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