Japan and Japanese (2 Viewers)

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This is total nonsense. Hamas is conducting a very aggressive propaganda campaign and this is typical of the "news" that they put out to influence uninformed people. Consider what has actually happened in Gaza-
1. People living there were warned to head out of the coming combat area by fleeing south. These warnings came by broadcast and by dropping leaflets. Only some did.
2. The "Palestinians" elected Hamas (by a landslide) to be their government, so the claim of "innocence" cannot be taken seriously.
3. If their claim were true, Israel would have immediately attacked Gaza without regard to civilian losses. It was within their power to lay waste to the entire area.

Remember, this is the Middle East. Many of the cultures living there are treacherous and totally without honor.
In diplomacy, Japan is not unfriendly to Islael but there is a previous offense based on the vague historical knowledge.

Israeli official Daniel Seaman

In August 2013, Seaman was suspended from his government position as Director of Interactive Media because of comments he made in a private Facebook posting about Japanese commemorating the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Palestinians commemorating the Nakba.


Comments against Japanese nuclear victim commemorations

"I am sick of the Japanese, 'Human Rights' and 'Peace' groups the world over holding their annual self-righteous commemorations for the Hiroshima and Nagasaki victims. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the consequence of Japanese aggression. You reap what you sow. Instead, they should be commemorating the estimated 50 million Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Malay, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Indonesian, Burmese and other victims of Japanese imperial aggression and genocide."

The statement, posted on Seaman's personal Facebook page, lead to a rebuke from the Japanese government and an official Israeli apology. Editorials in Tablet and Israel National News called Seaman's suspension over the incident "misguided."

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I may introduce my first and last business experience in Israel.

Several sets of medical equipments were to be shipped there.
Payment condition was L/C(Letter of Credit) which Israeli bank guaranteed payment like COD(Cash on Delivery) but there was a strange term on L/C like "Bank shall release payment upon client issued OK after inspection" or something like that. It was no problem for me as a test case.

After the cargo arrived there, there was no payment for a week. I asked them "What's wrong?" "We need our client's permission" "How long?" "We don't know."

After a few weeks, they said "We may need your discount as we have to attach some accessories for our client." "Pay first and we may consider additional accessories for your client." No more answers since then but payment was suddenly made after a month.
Their business style looked similar to Koreans but Koreans were enough for me at the time.
Those were not businessmen, they were thieves.
I both agree and disagree with this approach.

However, Hiroshima and Nagasaki are not comparable, by any means, by the area and situation.

I agree with it, because it means "to do anything to stop terrorists once and for all", one thing I love to see during my life time.

I disagree, because it's just some random hits, it's not concentrated in one area, then next.

If they did what is in my mind, they would have win the war, in like a day or two.
When PM Kishida's popularity is the lowest -

Japan calls on Israel for humanitarian pause in war against Hamas

Kishida says he is determined to lead world toward cooperation, not division

Princess Kako's popularity is so so as a sister of former princess Mako in NYC.

Princess Kako Hails 150 Years of Japan-Peru Ties in Lima
The first one, is a mistake. They talk of peace, because they never faced what these Terrorists are capable of.

There are no civilians there, and every single second Israel wastes, it means more ammo and soldiers for those bastards.

If I had any right, I would have silence those who are talking of peace, before dealing with Terrorists.

When they don't support us in our fight against terrorists, they have no right to be alive.
Kishida's way as a loyal servant of Mr. Biden -

Japan to provide $65 million additional humanitarian aid to Palestinians

Japan working with Philippines, U.S. to protect South China Sea

Wrong move!!!

It should be read:

Japan had sent 65 milion USD to HAMAS.

Sooner or later, they will pay for this mistake. Mark my words.
Was this wrong?

Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa (second from left) meets with Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki (second from right) in Ramallah, West Bank, on Friday. | JAPANESE FOREIGN MINISTRY / VIA KYODO

I've got wiser, ARTESH. Thanks!
HAMAS controls Palestine, Hezbollah controls Lebanon, and both are under IRGC command,

So any talk with any representatives from these countries, means talking to terrorists, and indirectly, with the terrorists godfather, IRGC.

These are not representatives of the nation and its people, but a terrorist organisation.

Can you see the point?
I understand but PM Kishida only obeys Mr.Biden as he thinks nothing about diplomacy.
Hmmm mysterious but Thanks ARTESH

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