Japan and Japanese (3 Viewers)

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The ordinary Japanese people needed no more excuse for "their" behavior than the ordinary American people need/needed for their behavior in ~90% of the wars that America has participated in.

Most of the WGIP (War Guilt Information Program) was a large scale psyops/propaganda/social brainwashing program designed to orient as much anger and resentment as possible - against the established Japanese leadership/power structure - instead of against the occupiers.
The problem / question is not why or how these events happened, but is that are these considered as war crimes / massacres / genocides??? Has ever anyone was charged for such crimes? Or at least, crimes?

A more general thing, would be as follow:

Shooting Medical personnel and attacking Hospitals, are considered war crimes...

How many Hospitals were attacked during war? By all sides.

How many medics and doctors were killed, wounded, captured or missed during ww2 by all sides?

On the other hand, Shooting unarmed military or civilian personnel who are already surendered, is also a war crime, again, was anyone charged for this? From any side!

What about the great famine in Iran, during WW1, have it ever been discussed? Again, was anyone ever charged?

In all cases, noone was ever charged, execute nor imprisoned. The real mother whore criminals were, are and will be free forever!

Germans, Japanese, Russians, French, Arabs, Turks, even Iranians, etc, noone did anything wrong!!! I wonder who had killed all these people's and destroyed all these buildings???

You're not much difference than Arabs and Turks, in my eye, as guilty and dirty, as they are.

All these talks of losses and other things, are just night tales for babies, the truth is something else!!! The US wanted to be only hero of the war, the only one that has defeated both Germans and Japanese, but Russians were faster and captured Berlin sooner than US troops, so only place to capture was Tokyo, and they would do anything to capture it before Russians, even if it means loss of hundreds of millions of people, Japanese and American.
Careful... you are beginning to reveal who you really are! :D
In anticipation of the invasion of Japan, the U.S. ordered a tremendous amount of Purple Heart medals be manufactured.
With the invasion being called off, the supply of Purple Hearts finally ran out in 2008.

As far as hospitals go, during WWII, there were several occasions where German combat Medics worked alongside American combat Medics to treat casualties of both sides.

This also occurred in North Africa with the British and Germans.

This did not happen on the Eastern front.
As an example, look up "Angoville" in Normandy. Two American paratrooper medics set up an aid station in an old church and during lulls in the battle brought in wounded for treatment. The battle see-sawed back and forth, sometimes the church was surrounded by Americans, sometimes by Germans. At one point a German officer entered the church, looked around and saw that wounded German troops were being treated along side of Americans. The officer left and ordered the church to be spared.


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As far as hospitals go, during WWII, there were several occasions where German combat Medics worked alongside American combat Medics to treat casualties of both sides.

This also occurred in North Africa with the British and Germans.
If this was true, killing each other in the battlefield looks like a sort of sport game in the western countries.
Thanks for sharing, Dave. Your story shows the nature of western culture.
If this was true, killing each other in the battlefield looks like a sort of sport game in the western countries.
Thanks for sharing, Dave. Your story shows the nature of western culture.
As a perpetual student of military history, Shinpachi, I am at a loss as to how there can be conventions as to what is legal and what is not legal in regards to killing combatants.

Can they not just make killing combatants illegal, period?

I understand that warfare is older than civilisation, but this is the 21st century - we should have moved past all this nonsense long ago... :confused:
As a perpetual student of military history, Shinpachi, I am at a loss as to how there can be conventions as to what is legal and what is not legal in regards to killing combatants.

Can they not just make killing combatants illegal, period?

I understand that warfare is older than civilisation, but this is the 21st century - we should have moved past all this nonsense long ago... :confused:
If I am not wrong, you look like talking about Original Sin which Asians do not have as Buddhists.
Very very profound. Thanks!
Exam at least will be necessary.
Not politician but former JMSDF submarine commander Hideki Nakamura(1950-2018) wrote in his book "Japan's Military Power" that he did not know IJN's strategy, tactics and wisdom until he sidetracked to a war history room of defense library for ten years.
As a perpetual student of military history, Shinpachi, I am at a loss as to how there can be conventions as to what is legal and what is not legal in regards to killing combatants.

Can they not just make killing combatants illegal, period?

I understand that warfare is older than civilisation, but this is the 21st century - we should have moved past all this nonsense long ago... :confused:
"Can they not just make killing combatants illegal, period?"

...and what if someone violates that "law", declare war?
A Japanese young couple who both had "good" education at universities and recently immigrated in the US for furhter study shout in YouTube like this -

1. We immigrated with USD 10K a few months ago.

2. We purchased two cars for USD 40K on the installment plan.

3. Room rent is USD 1K a month. Everything is expensive here.

3. Our income from part time job is USD 2K a month.

4. I (husband) was going to study at a local college but it is difficult now because of money shortage.

5. As the deposit USD 10K is no more in our hands, we are unwillingly obliged to rely on our old parents for the shortage.

6. What shall we do from now on ?
A few questions I have.

One, why did they spend $40,000 on two cars? Good, reliable older cars can be found for much less.

And isn't the Yen stronger than the Dollar?

Either way, moving to a foreign country with only 10,000 dollars (or Yen) is foolish.
I gave advice to him but he, and probably his wife too, looks people who have strong pride.
Thanks for your kind advice, Dave. Their parents will settle everything well finally.
The time frame when one comes to the U.S. matters. The man who built the house I live in now, came to the U.S., legally, in 1962 from Cost Rica with his wife and $200. He has built 6 houses that I know of and has rental property. Owns land in three states. Produced three sons, one daughter who have college degrees. I have no doubt he is today a multi millionaire. It used to be possible.
Careful... you are beginning to reveal who you really are! :D
I am what world had shaped me! Hundreds of unanswered questions! And only person ever dared to ask them!!! I have nothing to loose! No threatening works on me!

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