Japan and Japanese (2 Viewers)

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I believe the German helmet was a thicker gauge and the rolled edge along the rim is more robust on the German helmet.

If I'm being shot at, I'll take the German one please...

Actually the M35 and 40 had the folded edge inward only. Beginning the M42 , the helmet didn't have the edge rolled but bent outwrad. The M-35 was made of the molybdenum steel while for the M40 and later ones also it was used the silico-manganese steel. The plate for the Stahlhelm was of thickness 1,1mm and its weight ( depending of the size ) was about 1kg.

A nice link to a site that may come in handy ... Combat models and makers
If realized, it would be easier for Japan to control US Forces in Japan.
If not, more frustration would be piled up.

Japan, U.S. Eye Biggest Upgrade to Security Ties since 1960
The US relies on Japan's money because she thinks Japan relies on the US Forces too.
In fact, here are no enemies for Japan since 1945. This is what the US misunderstands greatly.

North Korea says Japan PM Kishida wants summit with Kim Jong Un
I started watching the video and thought the 'holocaust historian' may be a well meaning blowhard, then i downrated him to a simple blowhard propagandist, and upon checking him out on the internet lowered him to twit.
Thanks for your opinion and research, ThomasP.
My first impression is that he stands on the China side unnaturally.
There were many arguments between Japan, Taiwan(ROC) and China(PRC) to shape up the accurate number for more than half a century as ROC claimed 3 to 5M while PRC claimed 20M to 35M. Even 20M is too large for Japan side to be realistic but this number is treated as a reference between Japan and PRC. I think that Taiwan's number is realistic.
I watched this. Interesting. There must be a source in Japan or for that matter former occupied, that can give support or denial with facts.
Perhaps the biggest reason why the pto in this subject has been neglected is language (and i think, not know) willingness to hang the dirt out.
Here in Holland we started hearing of camps and even deathcamps not directly after the war but 2 decades later. Eto was closer by. We heard.
However when talking about >000.000 of deathts by an occupying force it was not a roque mayor or a something like that.

As this can be a tat sensitive, my point of view:
I do not believe that the faults my father or grandfather etc is mine, nor do i believe this guilt should be carried over to other generations. I will chear the german football team as long as the do not play holland.
However history must be written true. That is what makes it science. Even when the history is very ugly.

Agreed. Fault and blame should not carry to future generations. I do not believe any Japanese today should feel shame or guilt. It was not their fault.

However, and maybe I am wrong, but my personal opinion is that Japan got off easy after the war.* I feel the emperor got off easy (I do understand the reasons why, though.) I also feel there is entirely too much denial and revisionism in post-war Japan.

*To be fair, so did Italy. They got off with a slap of the hand simply because they realized the war was lost and switched sides. Bull shit, they were part of the Axis, and quite willingly, while the going was still good.

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