Jet fighter questions

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Jun 10, 2004
Knoxville, TN
Ok, I've never been too interested in jets, but after watching a video of the F-22 at an airshow, I thought I'd ask a couple questions.

I know the F-14 has been retired :( . Is it now 100% out of service?

For em, it would be a tie between the F-14 and F-15 as my favorite jet (If I had to pick one). Since you always seem to hear about the Tomcat and the F-16, how good was the F-15?

Is the F-15 still in service?

If not, what was it replaced by?

I guess the F-22 is the replacement for the F-16?
Oops, just read on Wiki that the U.S. Air Force plans to keep the F-15 in service until 2025. Is that right????? That would make that plane 55 years old as a front line fighter. I guess they are still making new ones, right?
They may plan to keep the F-15 in service that long, but I don't think it will be the front-line fighter much longer. The F-22 is far superior and will take it's place in that role. It will still be viable as the Strike Eagle and in other roles though. It will end up being kind of like the P-47, a great attack airplane that also happens to be able to do a great job defending itself.
Don't bet on it Evan. I suspect with funding shortfalls, the F-15 upgraded with AESA radar will be serving for quite a few years to come. Certainly not in Air Superiority role overseas for which it was intended, but definitely in the rear as an interceptor for cruise missiles, UCAVs, and manned stealth aircraft. The F-35 is going to be the decisive factor. There just aren't enough F-22s on order to make that much of a difference. It's bye-bye F-16 though.
Don't bet on it Evan. I suspect with funding shortfalls, the F-15 upgraded with AESA radar will be serving for quite a few years to come. Certainly not in Air Superiority role overseas for which it was intended, but definitely in the rear as an interceptor for cruise missiles, UCAVs, and manned stealth aircraft. The F-35 is going to be the decisive factor. There just aren't enough F-22s on order to make that much of a difference. It's bye-bye F-16 though.

There won't be that many F-15C's receiving the AESA (Active Electronically-Scanned Array) AN/APG-64(V)2 upgrade; the F-15C's up at Elmendorff were the first to receive the AESA upgrade about 5 years ago. Approximately 25% of the F-15C's currently in service are slated to receive the AESA upgrade; they will be using low-time airframes and handing the rest of the C's down to the ANG to replace their aging A airframes. And, yes, the AESA F-15's will continue to remain in service until at least 2025. The F-15 will still defeat most of the world's front-line fighters (with the possible exception of an Su-27/35), but it's not undefeatable anymore.

As for "new" F-15's, the only "new" ones are F-15I's for Israel, F-15S's for Saudi Arabia, F-15K's for the ROK, and F-15SG's for Singapore; these are all basically E airframes with certain downgraded components (mostly the avionics).
Yep. And the lines between the ANG and AF are going to blur substantially. You will begin to see ANG flying front line fighters like F-22 and F-35, and not relegated to fly second string aircraft. Times are a changin'.
I guess the F-22 is the replacement for the F-16?

I fear, the Raptor can only replace the F15 and the F117.

I can not replace the F16, it is estimated that her internal bays can only carry about 910 kg worth of bombs, and/or missiles.
It could be equipped with four external hardpoints but then it is loosing the stealth feature.
I fear, the Raptor can only replace the F15 and the F117.
Wrong - the F-22 is primarily an air-to-air fighter, the F-117 will be replaced by the F-35
I can not replace the F16, it is estimated that her internal bays can only carry about 910 kg worth of bombs, and/or missiles.
It could be equipped with four external hardpoints but then it is loosing the stealth feature.
again, ever hear of the F-35?!?!?!?
There is also discussion of an FB-22 concept. Larger wings, larger internal payload. Also there is work underway on external/conformal tanks that minimize the impact to stealth characteristics.

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