The Pop-Tart Whisperer
So yesterday I'm roaming around my local Dollar Store (Dollar Tree) and rooting through the cheapo DVDs when I see several about Jets. 4 DVDs each with a different perspective. I'm not really into jets but the first two were about early stuff and included the Phantom. I get them home pop them in, and ....
Somebody must have raided the vaults at McDonnell-Douglas! These were short videos about certain jets within the McDonnel corporation (obviously before Douglas came aboard). They appeared to be presentations to maybe stockholders or Congress or whoever in the 50s. I can't see them being in movie theatres. The first had the XF-85 Parasite, the Banshee, the original Phantom (F3F I think), the Voodoo and whole bunch of others. There was even a video on carrier tests with the demon. Neat stuff.
Somebody must have raided the vaults at McDonnell-Douglas! These were short videos about certain jets within the McDonnel corporation (obviously before Douglas came aboard). They appeared to be presentations to maybe stockholders or Congress or whoever in the 50s. I can't see them being in movie theatres. The first had the XF-85 Parasite, the Banshee, the original Phantom (F3F I think), the Voodoo and whole bunch of others. There was even a video on carrier tests with the demon. Neat stuff.