Jewish groups condemn FIA boss over 'Nazi' sex claims

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You know, I couldn't care less if you wanna bang prostitutes dress as a Nazi. But geez, leave the F'n camera's at home. I mean, use your head for something other than a place to leave your hat.
What you do at home its your business but when photo cameras are involved trouble will come...especially if you are someone famous.What I don't understand thought its how this insults the jewish people...was a girl portraying a holocaust victim or what...people are easily insulted this days...especially jews...its really annoying...I'd like to see them saying they are sorry for Jesus...anyway I don't want to think that I have something against jews so I'll stop here...
Why should anyone apologize for the actions some people took 2000 years ago.

Only an idiot would think so.

Reminds me of the muslims who are still pissed about the crusade 900 years in the past.
I don't want to start a religious talk, its my fault, I shouldn't have mentioned it in the first place.I still believe though that jewish people are easily offended.

Well, you should choose your words carefully. There are a few Jews here, myself included. If you are going to make a statement like that, you better be prepared to answer for yourself.

Easily offended? You are saying that ALL Jews are easily offended? Is it right to make a statement about an entire group of people like that? I am NOT easily offended, nor are many of the Jews that I know.
Find out about his Dad.

Chortle chorlte.

But paying that much for five prostitutes is just criminal.
Well a good example its the situation with this guy...just because some girls where dress in nazi guards, he should apologize...common...if it was in public yeah but it wasn't...communism made as many victims as nazism, my country "enjoyed" communism for 50 years yet you can see people wearing t-shirts with the soviet flag.Shouldn't we be offended by anyone showing anything related to communism...
Considering the family history of this guy, absolutely he should apologize. His father was a Nazi, and considering what they did to the Jews, it seems, at the very least, in poor taste. What one does in their private life is their business, but once the cameras come out, it's different.
I totally agree with you about the camera part...he should have been more careful...usually most famous people go out like that...the wrong photo/video at the wrong time...

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