Joby, Toyota and Uber

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1st Lieutenant
May 30, 2011
Cape Canaveral
Joby Aviation has revealed its prototype Urban Air Mobility vehicle, for use in Uber air transport. They recently received $394M from Toyota.

Meanwhile, South Korean auto maker Hyundai announced it also has a UAM concept and will be investing $1.5 Billion in UAM over the next five years.

Look! In the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Superman!...No,...looks sorta octopus??...IT'S OCTOPI!!
Well, Uber does not let you drive yourself, but I'd bet it is autonomous if it is flying for them.

I'm expecting Cusinart and Veg-a-Matic by Ronco to get into the business, too. "Door to door in less than 10 minutes, anywhere in the city! And It makes Julian Fries, too!"
The hide-bound bureaucracy of the FAA is going to keep this concept from developing fffooorrreevvveerrr - or at least until current "big money" interests can get their grubby fingers in the pie...
When my father died, we were sorting through the stuff in the safe, and among the usual documents you would expect to find there was a certificate for 1 share in the Flying Car Corporation. The certificate was issued in 1965. (I think it was the design shown in Popular Mechanics at about that time.)

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