Well, being totally addicted and obsessed,[ above all other Aircraft,] in the DH98 de Havilland Mosquito, [ Hornet ], the GREATEST thing about them is that soon, they WILL be flying again, and in time, there will be a few.- As I've posted in here [somewhere] before, a man called Glyn Powell [and team] in Auckland, New Zealand, has re-built the fuselage moulds and recently made the first new fuselage [ in 50 odd years ], and involvement with guys in the Canadian Mosquito scene will soon see them flying again.[ For those interested, I think
www.mossie.org has the updates...]- With todays glues etc. they will be even more durable.
Following the topic, they did alot of 'nuisance raids' like Berlin as mentioned, and drew enemy nightfighters off the Main Force bombers by their 'spoof' raids - they did actually target-mark as if the heavies were coming, drop some themselves, and shot-thru home. They also were probably the only aircraft to do two raids a night. Different variants would be up on nightly missions, first the weather reconnaisance, then target- markers with the Main Force and the nuisance/spoof raiders, the nightfighters, and finally the post-action reconnaisance Mossies for photo results.- I don't think any other aircraft can claim that sort of versatility....They were the BEST.