Just splurged on tickets for the May airshow at Virginia Beach to see the Mossie fly!

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Two problems:

1. Can't take all my family to Chino (whereas MAM is 2 hrs down the road).

2. The Mosquito is flying at MAM (I very much doubt it'll be at Chino).

Tickets arrived the other day. Couple of pics of the Mossie on the tickets. Did I mention the Mossie? I can't wait to see the Mossie airborne again!

I think I'm obsessed....Mosquito, Mossie, Wooden Wonder etc etc etc.
I'm dropping subtle hints with my family that I really, REALLY need to replace my old Olympus OM10 SLR with a modern digital SLR and a 300mm zoom lens. If my subliminal messaging works, then I'll be taking tons of pics for sure. If not, well I'll do my best with my old point-and-shoot piece of crap (ie expect to see lots of "there's a dot in the sky" pics!).

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