Ki-84 Ho-155II wing cannons.

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It's a Ho-5 20mm cannon as 30mm is not so thin.
I don't know why but the author Leszek A. Wieliczko seems to have misunderstood this in his book "Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate" which I also confirmed.

The Ki-84 102nd airframe belonged to early type of the Ki-84-I Ko (A in English alphabetical order).
Such a 30mm cannon as Ho-155-II was experimentally tested with the Ki-84-I Hei (C) later and its production number should be on the 3,000s.
Please, I would like to know if later types Ki-84Ib (Otsu) and Ic (Hei), the former armed with four Ho-5 20 mm cannons and the latter with two Ho-5 and two Ho-105 30 mm cannons, reached front line service, where and when, if yes, and, if possible to know, with which Sentai. Arigato.
About 500 Ki-84-I Otsu (B) were built and deployed for the homeland defense in 1945. Sentai Nos. are 1st, 11th, 22nd, 47th, 51st, 52nd, 71st, 72nd, 73rd, 101st, 102nd, 103rd, 111th, 112th, 246th and some others.

As Ki-84-I Hei (C) was experimental one, only a few were built just before the war was over and had no chance to fight in actual combat.
Thank you so much! For years I refrained from adding Ki-84-Ib (not to speak of Ki-84-Ic) to my IL-2 1946 campaigns, having no historical evidence of its front line service, even during last home defence in 1945. Now I'm allowed to exploit this possibility, thanks to your information. All the best,


Just to clarify: there was no such gun as the Ho-105, despite this designation cropping up in various references. It is actually a typo for Ho-155.

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