Kill the post above yours

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odd, i would've thought the tread would be finished when the lanc was posted, never known of anything to down one

the A380 will soon be (pun intended) blowing the 747 out of the water

i wish
F-16XL? Old technology.

Old aircraft technology. Flak 88s and a SAM for the coup de grace.


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Microwaves kill storms? Hmm. That's news.

Extra cat around? Into the microwave. Kills that appliance everytime. [sorry Pisis]


  • 200px-Cat_outside.jpg
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Oh alright.

My flowers enchant your sword with the sweet smells of spring, evoking thoughts of leaping through effervescent meadows in your pink leotards, while humming Barry Manilow show tunes.


  • rdroses01.jpg
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