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Mother Nature? Destroy the planet! Build a Death Star!


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the only known remedy for a death star, an X-wing with proton torpedos!


one thing that bugged me about the scene in the trench, when the Y-wing's try it, why couldn't the rear gunners shoot at the attacking Tie fighters?
Absolute pacifism. There is no good war guys. Not even in self defense. The pacifists would prevent you, Les, from developing your inherently evil device.


  • peace.jpg
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Yes. That was F'ing funny. LMFAO.

However, I will addle your mind with Sleepytime Tea. The drink of pacifist champions worldwide. Long haired hippy, social programs for every puke, save the fat chick whales, drive rickshaw gas saving feminist Greenpeace Granolas unite!!!!

No more hipnotism from those who actually hold jobs.


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Chuck Norris=utter and total destruction. Why? Because Chuck Norris is ten feet tall, weighs two-tons, breathes fire, could eat a hammer and take a shotgun blast standing.


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...and how the hell do you guys get those vid clips to attach. I get them in email, but cannot figure out how to save and clip them in other the single picture format. Insight?

Chuck Norris. Please. His cryptonite is Christy Brinkley of course.


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Here, have a black hole to bend your time.


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