Kill the post above yours

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Yup, thanks a bunch.

Burn time is currently 11 minutes of exposure to the sun and we are a few months away from the longest day.

Just wait until you get to experience the hole, it ain't no joke.
Theres only one way to neutralize the hole in the ozone...fanatical, flag waving hippies!


  • GPeace.jpg
    5.4 KB · Views: 111
I wouldn't say he was unpopular as a child, but his parents had to tie bacon to his leg just so's the dog would play with him.
How about a state of the art military designed towel thats an extreme pothead???


  • 171603839_bbb0a72782_m.jpg
    15.7 KB · Views: 80
Cut their bitty hands off and give them prosthetic robot power!


  • trans_single-hand.jpg
    24.3 KB · Views: 134

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