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I personally believe they should have there independence, however Dan is right. More fighting is going to occur and more people are going to die.

This region will never stop being the powderkeg of europe and hatred will quit overnight.
It is worrying.

Regardless if this move is 'right' or 'wrong', there is a kind of 'which side are you on' call for European countries.

France, UK, Germany, Italy and others have recognized the new state, Spain (probably mainly afraid of their Basque issue), Russia and the eastern countries did not.

The issue is that both parties have good reasons: Kosovo to declare independency and Serbia to consider it a disertion.

The territorial/political questions of Balkans and East Europe have been the trigger of 2 world wars already, hopefully this time things will not degenerate that much but at least a local war is extremely probable.
I fear this development will lead to yet another of the interminable Balkan Wars that have plagued Europe for centuries. Someone once said that the Balkans make more history than they can ever absorb.

Kosovo has a 60% unemployment rate according to some statistics and virtually no national industry. Thus, despite all the patriotic hoopla currently occurring there, it will not survive nor do I think the proponents of its independence believe it will, either.

On the contrary, I think the only possible course open to them will be absorption by Albania which is just what most Serbs believe is their intent. That will precipitate a very big war, IMHO.

In the end, I do not understand what interest the USA has in being there at all other than confrontation with the Russians. I hope we withdraw ASAP. If that is not in the cards, I very much fear that in the long run, we're on the wrong side in this anyway.
I wish to apologise for the incident that had happened in the Belgrade, which resulted in the demolition of an USA Embassy. The body cannot be identified. Those who did all this are nothing more than hooligans and demented fools who just enjoy to cause mayhem because after that they started looting stores and supermarkets. They don't care for anyone, especially their own people.

Again sorry for all that. We, the true Serbs, don't suport this kind of behaviour. Please don't bomb us or something like that because of them.
Milo... You "seam" to be a Serb...Could you (if you can) explane why the groups do not get along over there...

Or is it like here in the US were some groups say other groups hate them..And its BS the group that thinks there beat down and hated ... Are one of the big haters...

Anyone explane whats going on over there...It seams to have been working out for some years now..??????????????
Those who did all this are nothing more than hooligans and demented fools who just enjoy to cause mayhem because after that they started looting stores and supermarkets. They don't care for anyone, especially their own people.

All countries have hooligans. All countries have demented fools but it is the responsibility of a host country to provide security for an embassy. It's easy to dismiss the jerk-wads that perpetrated the mayhem but the government that allowed the dangerous events to occur cannot be easily excused.

Milos Sijacki
It is not your responsibility to take the weight of the Serbian people and the situation on yourself.
I know things are very complicated with 3 ethnic groups in the region, religion, disputed borders and fact once again America has sided against the Serbian people.
IMO it was wrong for America to announce there position with out better thought, I too fear civil war in the region and perhaps a wider war with Albania becoming involved.

Anyway to the Serbian people I hope for the best, my city has a noticeable Serbian community, So I know many here who fear the worse, for Kosovo I hope you understand Independence means standing on your own feet.

To both I pray for peace.
As someone who has been in that region under arms before, get ready for some really grim sh!t... No holds barred...

Milos, if ur in the region, keep ur mouth shut, eyes and ears open, and protect ur family at all costs....

Its all any of us really have in the long run man...

Oh and for the record, when u said this:
Please don't bomb us or something like that because of them.
I laughed alittle bit, and I apologize, because theres a distinct possibility that it may infact happen....
I am afraid Les is right, there is more than a few chances that things could get nasty by spring/summer.
Not so much we can do as individuals but check your PM and stay in contact in case of troubles
Milos Sijacki
It is not your responsibility to take the weight of the Serbian people and the situation on yourself.
IMO it was wrong for America to announce there position with out better thought, I too fear civil war in the region and perhaps a wider war with Albania becoming involved.

I too was disappointed with the quick US position. While I understand the pro-democracy stance that my nation took based upon a people's will, I am a little concerned with the proclivity of our state department to make statements of position so quickly. Especially in such a volatile area.

And with respect to Les' comments about US bombings, I sure as hell hope not. This should be a European NATO issue. I, for one, am sick and tired of the US taking the political brunt for doing the right thing.

Just don't F#ck with our embassy.

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