KYUSHU 'Shinden' J7W1 Jpaanese WWII fighter

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Airman 1st Class
Jul 9, 2014
PROJECT PROPOSAL: For the aviation afficionados amongst you I am sure you will be aware of the Japanese WW2 Kyushu 'SHINDEN' J7W1 - for those who aren't, this is a magnificent aircraft and represents a true milestone in military combat aircraft technological development.......all the more reason for conserving what little records remain of this remarkable aircraft. As far as I know there is only one piece of Black and White film footage in existence recording one of the only 4 test flights conducted prior to war's
end. However, it is of extremely poor quality - blurry, out-of-focus with many image artefacts and badly in need of some serious restoration work - the sort of restoration work that would utilise some of the advanced graphics processing software used by intelligence agencies (and latterly, police department forensic analysis labs) to tease hidden details from satellite surveillance photos. Thankfully, there are a number of reasonably good quality B W still photos plus, of course, the only surviving prototype in the Smithsonian Air Space Museum in the USA and from these I imagine that image processing software might be able to pick out additional detail that could be applied to the film. In summary, I'm proposing a restoration project that may appeal to someone with access to such facilities willing and
able to undertake a comprehensive restoration job. NB. I'm not a project leader nor the holder of the original film (I don't even know where it is!) and there is NO budget (= $0.00!) i.e. if you undertake this project you do so as a labour of love for the enjoyment of others and for such a truly, and historically unique and important aircraft. You can view the film on YOUTUBE by typing into the search engine: Kyushu SHINDEN J7W1 by ARGYPILATUS.
It would be awesome if person, technology and film could all meet and accomplish what you propose. To see just how much can be accomplished in that regard, on only has to remember how they cleaned up the Columbia footage of the main tank insulation breaking away and hitting the shuttle. Literally night and day. Shame the couldn't do it before reentry. Still feel that crew was let down...
Welcome aboard! There are a number of software packages out there that can do that. YouTube supposedly has some type of a plug in you can use on videos but I have never used it. Great idea.

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