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I am not a good student of Russian fighters.

Does anyone know if these late war designs were fitted with armour and/or fire suppression technology.

This is an impressive appraisal. Surpised that it was dated 20 March 1945 however. You would have thought the evaluation would have been done earlier.

The report confirms statements I have read elsewhere, but these other sources were much cruder in their description. They basically said "avoid dogfights with these a/c at lower altitudes"

Final question, these a/c were made of wood basically. Were they as strong as the LW contemporaries???
Hi Micdrow,

>Translated Rechline document of a La-5fn in English

I was not entirely satisfied with the above translation, so I made my own. Note that there is one data point where I have a slightly different speed which comes directly from the original scan. (Must be a typo in the above translation.)


Henning (HoHun)


  • LercheLa-5FN.txt
    11.7 KB · Views: 453

Great job there Henning, Many thanks for the translation.
  • "La-5 aircraft with M-82FN engine - Instructions for aviation mechanics", 1943
  • "Pilot's Instructions for La-5 aircraft with M-82FN engine", 1943
  • "Maintenance Manual for La-5 aircraft with M-82FN engine", 1944
  • "La-7 and La-5FN operation in winter conditions", 1945


  • Ла-5ФН инструкция авиамеханику 1943.pdf
    4.2 MB · Views: 343
  • Ла-5ФН инструкция лётчику 1943.pdf
    3.1 MB · Views: 320
  • Ла-5ФН Иинструкция по техническому обслуживанию 1944.pdf
    13 MB · Views: 360
  • Ла-7 и Ла-5ФН эксплуатация в зимних условиях 1945.pdf
    5 MB · Views: 262

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