Lancaster parts?

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Oct 15, 2015
I am a WWII researcher in my town Mol-Belgium. I am working on a story about a Lancaster crash in Mol.
A few months after the crash someone found a turret with gunner in a field. Someone else told me that he took some parts from the turret.
Can someone help me to identify the parts?

there are some numbers on them:
A31563A and P1 565 (in a circle)


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OK, I've gone through the manual I have and it's for a Mk X Lancaster (Canadian-built). I could not find the part number in this manual and then it occurred to me that, if your part came out of one of the turrets, it may not be listed as a separate part in the Lancaster manual but rather as part of the turret assembly itself. It's also possible that British built Lancs have different part numbers and, unfortunately, I do not have a Parts List for such aircraft.

In the Mk. X manual, the rear turret is called up as a Fraser Nash FN 121 Unit with a part number for the entire assembly given as 7T/5. The fore turret is called up as an FN 5 Unit with a part number 7T/51. Your part, if it is part of the turret, would need to be looked up in a Fraser Nash manual for the turret which would list all of the individual pieces making up the assembly sent for installation in the Lanc.

If you go to post #28 here you will see a list of "Schedules of Parts" that might have the part number you are looking for.

Sorry I could not help more.

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