Lancaster VI

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Airman 1st Class
Nov 20, 2008
I have read that a small number of Lancasters were modified to have Merlin 85 two stage engines and reclassified as Lancaster VI. I have looked for photos but found none. Any help???



  • Lancaster MkVI ND673.jpg
    Lancaster MkVI ND673.jpg
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  • Lancaster MkVI ND673 profile.jpg
    Lancaster MkVI ND673 profile.jpg
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  • Lancaster MkVI.jpg
    Lancaster MkVI.jpg
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  • Lancaster MkVI ND784_1.jpg
    Lancaster MkVI ND784_1.jpg
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  • Lancaster MkVI ND784_2.jpg
    Lancaster MkVI ND784_2.jpg
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Easy for you, difficult for me.
Ah... the differences in Internet search engines.
Thanks for the pictures.

Ah... the differences in Internet search engines.
Thanks for the pictures.


You'r welcome. Please, don't get me wrong but I don't think the IE search engine in Poland is different from the one using in the USA. But really glad I could help.

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