Thinking about it again (and after coming up empty after a Google for "AnSCHIEBEgeschwindigkeit", it might be AnSCHWEBEgeschwindigkeit, i.e. "gliding-in speed". That, even me lousy computer pilot can make sense of.
"Landestrecke bei voll angestellter Landeklappe, Fluggewicht von 4300kg und Windstille; bei Anschebegeschwindigkeit V(A) = 150 km/h"
"Landing distance with fully extended landing flap, flight weight of 4300kg and zero wind; with gliding-in speed V(A) = 150 km/h"
Hope that helps.
PS: I found this "by accident" through, which I've effectively left long ago. If you have troubles with German translations like that, feel free to contact me at solar (at) rootdirectory (dot) de. I'm happy to help, as long as it's not whole articles and not every day.