Level bombing question in FMB

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Staff Sergeant
Sep 2, 2007
Manila, Philippines
Hi all.

I have a question when doing level bombing missions in the Full Mission Builder. In AI controlled bombers (say the B-29, B-17 or G4M) they drop the bombs at the same time when the lead plane orders them. When I try that on flyable bombers, I'm the only one to drop the payload. When I order ground attack they dive and drop the bombs instead of using the bombsight to drop them accurately. I was wondering how to keep the other planes from diving and how to order them to drop the ordnance on my command while keeping leveled and with the formation.

Thanks in advance.

Don't forget that there's a "Target" setting in the Options panel.

You can select an area (airfield, bridge, armor...etc) and then dedicate the amount of destruction (slider select 0 - 100%) and use that in conjunction with your GAttack.

Bombers seem to tighten thier groups the higher the percentage is set, ground attack aircraft will work the target like a prom dress if the destruction percentage is set higher.
Still doesn't work. Try as I might they simply fly over while the flak and fighters tear them apart. Looks like my British level bombing campaign idea is down the drain. Hope 1C fixes this problem in Storm of War.
You could possibly fly as a lone bomber in the lead.
Set all the subsequent flights as AI and "lead" them to the target.
Set all of the AI waypoints and targets.
When you get to the target they will drop their bombs without your command.
If you time it right it will look like like they are bombing on your command.

Weird, not sure why they're not working for you, Pong, but I have a number of escort missions, and the bombers hammer the target with pretty decent accuracy.

In the various missions, I have He111s, Ju88s and Ju87Ds (sometimes a blend of each) all at work.

I'll load up my FB and see about getting some better info for ya'.
He wants them to drop on his command GG.
Level bombers won't drop their bombs when you are leading the flight unless you are flying on autopilot.
When you tell them to attack a target they "dive" on the target and stop being level bombers.

First off, ignore analranger, or whatever "dsrertergr" is supposed to mean, they're just an angry asshat with no life skills, other than breathing air and occasionally sh!tting themselves...

Anyway, I know that setting the Target option in the GAttack makes the bombers unload at the waypoint with or without a human command.

For level bombing, make sure that you have an accurate lead-in and select an object with the Target Set in the Waypoint panel. Once that's set, go to the Target option in the Option panel and select Destroy Ground. After selecting the location to be "destroyed", click on the tab so you'll be able to select if it's a Primary or Secondary target, the radius of destruction and the percentage of destruction, etc...


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Hope that helps, it solved a few problems for me with my He111 torpedo mission...they didn't want to unload on the ships, instead, they just circled around and got hammered by AA.

Now, we'll fly in and I'll give the command to attack, and they'll execute some good attacks. I've also watched them go inunder AI, and do just as well on thier own.

But this seems to work well in dive bombing, level bombing and torpedo attacks. In level bombing, you need to make sure you have adequete lead-in for thier speed x altitude. Don't have the GAttack waypoint right over the target, otherwise, they'll act like dive bombers trying to get the bombs right on the mark. With the GAttack target (green thingy), they'll understand an early release and aim for the green "reticle" you've set for them. :thumbleft:

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