Log - In Problem

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Security software from China:- I trust it as much as any other so far, and some of those, well know names, have let me down. The fact that this one is used, and recommended, by my friend, who writes, and backs up for his customers, high security software, is good enough for me. It was this package that detected and totally cleaned and blocked, for me, the 'invader' that Microsoft issued a warning about and, at the time, still hadn't been able to sort the problem. Bear in mind, this happened between the 2nd and 3rd of December, almost a week before Microsoft admitted/declared the problem!
Hi, i've gone from gOrYrOcKs, to gOrYrOcKs2, and gOrYrOcKs3... because each time i try to login, it refuses to accept it as right. I request new password each time, and it says yeah we'll email you but i never get it, and it's not in the spam bit. i don't know what acount i'll have later, but i would really like the original gOrY back please, because it has my proper email adress and im not even sure if the adress im using for the 3rd one is real... Shall i assume you can contact me via original gorys email or shall i spell it out in public.... ah well Please help me:
First of all , no wonder the way of writing your nick can be difficult to remember also by yourself.I mean you used capitalicks and "small" letters.Secondly your account has already existed.So you should remember a password you chose when registering.What is more your e-mail address you wrote when registering is different you sent now.So check if there are messages form Admin in the e-mail box you wrote in your profile. You are registered as gOrYrOcKs3 so if you decided to use this as your password it should work correctly.Let me know if you have still the problem.
Nah, i didnt get an email, but its now accepting gOrYrOcKs3... i think because the other two had a repeated word password, like hellohello kinda thing... maybe my browser automatically got rid of it? like in Word or something? i dunno im theory-grabbing but hey this works, i'll change my email and profile and stick with this acount!
P.s i read my earlier post, did it sound really arrogant to you??? God past-me was a jerk, sorry!
All is fine.No problem.

I have to mention one more thing.If you don't log out but closed the forum site, you don't need to log in again when getting back.Check if there is marked the small square in the log field.If yes and you don't use log out option you can access the forum without logging in.


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