Long service

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Master Sergeant
Dec 3, 2008
The B-52 has apparently been in active service since 1955 are there any other aircraft that are still in active service over a longer period?
MiG-21 made its maiden flight in June 1955 and entered series production in 1957 If I'm not mistaken. Continuously in production until 1985.
The B 52 is scheduled to be in service until 2040 in which case it may be one of the last manned combat aircraft, if there's still enough fuel left to fly it. Its staggering that the bid was awarded in 1946.

Why does it still use the same engines surely a more modern engine would be more economical or cant they be fitted?
There has been lots of talk about re-engining the BUFF with moder turbofans. My understanding is that there are so many TF33 cores remaining that it really is not worth the effort given the other priorities for upgrades.
As far as I know the last military C-47 was retired in 1999 by the Israelis. Those were surplus WWII C-47s, so they were in continuous military service for over 50 years. Several of them are still flying!

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