M4A3-E8 uparmoured

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Back to the turret.
All hatches are without optics.

Now the hatches for driver and codriver and a good amount of rust.

The bits and pieces found their places and are glued to the base plate.



  • p-2.jpg
    126 KB · Views: 62
Sure is. Over the years, I've 'been around' quite a number of semi-derelict AFVs, and they seem to take on a permanent, 'set in the ground' look, with any large components nearby, such as transmissions, giving the impression that they are not going to be easy to move. You've captured that look wonderfully Michael, well done.
Next I dusted the scene and added two scratch build ladders. to make all a bit more civilian.

A piece of railroad track always is a gooed add.

The last picture of this derelict tank. I added a truck axle. Maye there will be an update when I find a civilian figure of a mechanic or a sign but I'm smelling aero gas again and will return to the airplanes for now.


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