Manuals People are looking for

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Had a look but no luck with RCAF manuals. We do have a E&M manual from North American but it is faded and in 2 vol. so scanning it would be difficult. If there is a particular area you need info on let me know and I'll see what I can do.
Had a look but no luck with RCAF manuals. We do have a E&M manual from North American but it is faded and in 2 vol. so scanning it would be difficult. If there is a particular area you need info on let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Bother as they say in polite circles.

Many many thanks Tracker for the effort (and the photos of your museums beautiful Yale)

I would really like an RCAF parts listing but have never been able to track one down.

Thompsons have a BT9 "Service manual" but the sample page they sent me looks like a copy of a copy of a copy .......... so I am reluctant to get it.

I am also reluctant to get a scan of your E&M manual from North American but in this case because you advise it is faded and difficult to scan and I would hate for copying to cause damage to it. My (fortunately limited) experience with faded originals was that the paper was brittle and fell apart going through the scanner - that sexually distressed the page (and did not do nice things to the scanner either - which fortunately jammed on sheet one).

I guess I will just have to keep looking
Does anyone have a manual for the rolls-royce kestrel? Merlin ones are almost too easy to find but kestrel ones remain quite illusive.
Merely an idea: perhaps the people at Rolls Royce Heritage Trust might be of help?
Hi Tracker
Here is a Yale manual I was just sent - I was told it comes from a Canadian T-6/Harvard group but no other details were provided
Pls let me know if it is the same as the manual your group has and if so the NAA Report number (or better still a photo of the cover and title pages (grovel grovel) so I can add that material to the file.
Mi Tasol

Bugger - upload timing out due heavy rain (one of the joys of VSAT) - I will try early in morning as soon as the fog lifts
Hi Everyone,

Looking for the FM-2 Wildcat Erection and Maintenance Manual AN 01-190FB-2. Would also like to see the FM-2 Parts Catalog AN 01-190FB-4. I hope someone can help - and possibly post these manuals. Thanks.
Also looking for any manuals on the Curtiss SB2C Helldiver. In particular, Erection and Maintenance Manual, Parts Catalog, and Flight Manual. Thanks.

Hello Folks,

I was wondering if anyone has come across the Erection and Maintenance Manuals for the B-26 Marauder and B-24 Liberator, I have been looking for these for a long time with no luck. I have many aircraft parts, manifolds, exhausts etc...,that I am sure come from both of these aircraft as the airfield they came from, salvaged these two types in their hundreds,

many thanks


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