Manuals People are looking for

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Would anybody happen to have any Spitfire Maintenance or Parts manuals? I've seen a parts list for the Mk.XIX in Swedish, are any manuals for any other varients available?
In my limited experience in the restoration world, it seems the British didn't produce Illustrated Parts Catalogues in WW2 as we know them. For example, here is the layout of Air Publications for the Mosquito FB VI:

The closest that you will find to a parts manual is in Volume III, Part 1 but that is simply a listing of all the parts and their spare reference numbers that make up the bird with no illustrations. The only Illustrated Parts Catalogue for the Mosquito was produced by the Swedes after the war for the J30, which was a NF XIX. I don't know for sure but it sounds like the same might apply to the Spitfire.
Yes there is a post war Spitfire IPC for the PR Mk XIX and it is Scandanavian. The only copy I have seen is very low dpi and almost unreadable in many parts.
I also have never seen an RAF IPC for a ww2 aircraft but some Schedules of Spares may still have been illustrated.
However you must also remember that the early USAAC/F aircraft like the P-40 A through at least K had no IPC either. The P-40N had an IPC but I do not know if the K/L/M were illustrated or not.
here is a page from the Aus Beaufort Schedule of Spares - I do not know if it was based on the Brit one or purely an Aus document. The Pilot Notes and Descriptive are much different to the Brit equivalents.
Anything Me 262. I really do not know why but whenever I make a model or unlock a vehicle in War Thunder I want to research it. The other day I got the Me 262 1-1a/U1 and I wanted to learn more about whether it be from a regular book or a technical manual. I also recently got the BMP-2M but this forum is for aircraft.
All of of the manuals are indexed in the "Other Mechanical Systems" section of the Technical area of the forum, thought the index is a bit dated and there may be more since. Me 262 stuff here: Me-262 manuals
Oof. That's what I thought, was just wondering if there were any new ones. But that is cool. Thank you
Does anyone have the manual AN 01-35E-3? I'm not sure of the exact title, but it should be Overhaul Instructions for the (R)B-26, (R)B-26A, (R)B-26B, B-26B-1 and C series of aircraft. AN 01-35EA-3, AN 01-35EB-3 or AN 01-35EC-3 would also be quite helpful, those are Overhaul Instructions for the (R)B-26/A/B, for the B-26B-1/C and for the B-26F/G series.

You will probably have to talk to the Shuttleworth Collection or Kew National Archives people.
Kew has the 1937 1st and 2nd editions, and the 1938 edition.
Shuttleworth has a 1937 2nd edition.

I did see a copy for sale on ebay about 2 years ago, but I do not remember which year/edition it was.
Anyone got a manual on the F-35 Lightning II, F-22 Raptor, F-14, F-15, F-16, F/A-18, AH-1 series oh Helis, UH-1, Ka-50, Mi-24, and/or the Mi-28?
Anyone got a manual on the F-35 Lightning II, F-22 Raptor, F-14, F-15, F-16, F/A-18, AH-1 series oh Helis, UH-1, Ka-50, Mi-24, and/or the Mi-28?

NATOPS flight manuals are available on the internet for F-14/15/16/18 and the Super Bug. Some of them are at avialogs site; the same site has flight manuals for Bell helicopters.

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