Martin XB-48 Bomber

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Tails Through Time: The Martin XB-48
Designed for two .50-cal. machine guns in a
radar-controlled tail turret and up to 22,000 lbs. of bombs
(one 22,000-lb. "Grand Slam" or 14 1,000-lb. bombs
maximum loading)
Engines: Six Allison J35-A-5 axial flow turbojet engines of
4,000 lbs. thrust each maximum
Maximum speed: 495 mph

Cruising speed: 437 mph
Range: 2,500 miles with 8,000 lbs. of bombs
Service ceiling: 43,000 ft.
Span: 108 ft. 4 in.
Length: 85 ft. 8 in.
Height: 26 ft. 6 in.
Weight: 102,600 lbs. (maximum takeoff weight)
Crew: Three (pilot, copilot-radio operator-gunner,
Serial numbers: 45-59585 and 45-59586


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