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Airman 1st Class
Jan 29, 2006
corn contry USA
I looked around for a thread on this question, but couldn't find one, so if no one wants to answer this, and knows where I can look to find the answer, I would appreciate it.

What do most of you use to mask clear parts before painting? What material do you use for masking? I can mask the clear parts, but if I use precut masks, there often are a couple missing. If I use non-precut mask material, I run into an issue on how to apply it without scratching the clear pieces. I can't seem to see how to do it without first laying out the mask material, and then trying to gently cut around the "window frames". I inevitably end up screwing up, and cutting into areas I don't want to cut. Any advice, or directions where to find answers would be appreciated.
Don't remember the post but there is a paint-on mask. you paint the area you don't want painted then peel it off when you are done. Think it was a post by Rabid Alien.
I use permanent markers to paint the cockpit frame. they come in lots of colors even metallics. When done I dip the clear pieces in Future
Hey Kirk, I always, or as much as possible, use precut masks these days from Eduard or Ezymask, cuts down on the frustration factor BIG TIME!
However still occasionally use Tamiya tape and make my own, usually I cut small squares or triangle pieces and overlay them into each panel to cover the required shape, will check and see if I have some pics from previous builds...
Tamiya 6mm tape I place it on the window trace the outside of the window and cut the tape to shape.

Doh!!! I can't believe I didn't think of that. What an excellant idea, and I'm crying over the number of canopies I've ruined before breaking down and asking this question. Thanks B-17engineer.

Wayne, I have used the pre-cut EZ Masks, and they work well, only sometimes one of the window pieces is missing. I've been using blank EZ Masks, and laying them out in squares, like you said, and cutting around them. I try to be careful, but always end up scratching the clear part. B-17engineer just punched me in the gut with the obvious, and man am I embarrased.
One thing you can do that really helps me is use a light behind the piece to be masked. It shows the frame lines through the masking medium and makes cutting much easier. I use Tamiya tape with a petzel headlamp on my lap. Any flashlight will do.
Hey Kirk,
If I don't have pre cut masks I use Scotch blue painters tape, cut into small strips, squares etc, fiddly and time consuming, but well worth the effort
Myself, I use Tamiya tape on flat sections or sections that only curve in one dimension. For any compound curves, I use Parafilm "M". Touch up any glitches with Maskol.
I assume you mean the cockpit conopy.... all cockpit conopies have conopy frames embossed. So .. stick a piece of the tape ( I would suggest using of the Tamiya masking tape rather or similar in colour ) to the conopy . Then with a toothpick , press the tape to the conopy accurately going around internal edges of these frames. The next step is to use a pencil running it along the inner frame adges again. In the way you will obtain a drawing with a shape of a window glass on the tape. Now it is enough to unstick the tape and cut out/off the penciled shape with scissors. The cut off piece of tape you have to stick to the conopy again at a corrct location of course. I hope it will help.
Because I have no time for taking my own pictures I'm posting a couple of them found via the net.

The source ...... Forum PWM • Zobacz temat - Maskowanie oszklenia kabiny.

A piece of the tape has been unstuck , burred around the penciled line and stuck again.

Or here another variant of it depicted by our member - Net_sailor.... Modelarstwo z pasj

The penciled tape has been unstuck and put on a piece of glass or the cutting mat ... a scalpel in attack..

Then cut off pieces of tape are stuck to the conopy at correct areas....


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