Me-110 Underrated

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How does what you say prove me wrong. We are talking about an aircraft with air kills and aces. We are talking about an aircraft that came into service and did operate and was the first of it's kind to do so and then other air forces who were initially skeptic, as you admit, decided to follow and fund their own designs.
Add to your 4% loss this one month battle

At the beginning of Operation Blau, on 28 June 1942, the Luftflotte 4 has 86 operational Zerstorers including fifteen Bf 110 which performed reconnaissance duties in three units – 3.(H)/31, 3.(H)/11 and 7.(H)/LG 2; the remaining 71 examples served on ZG1 and ZG2. Only one month later, ZG 1 and ZG 2 had lost 31 Bf 110s (all to Soviet fighters), plus five more of the recce units to the same cause. As a result, ZG 2 was disbanded, and all its surviving aircraft were transferred to ZG 1

The Russians lost more aircraft than the Germans ever made
You seem to like to avoid responding directly when called upon and change the subject. Many of the losses mentioned above were to the Lagg-3. Not the best Soviet fighter but the best they had at the time, mate

You look at the tree, I look at the forest
The sturmovick is said to be a great aircraft yet the it had the greatest loss rate than any German plane.
Mate there were single days where more b-17s were lost that all BF 110 in bob...
They suffered unsustainable losses and changed what they were doing and what they were doing it with. Most air engagements were like that, the object being to inflict losses to make the other side give up. There were more Mosquitos and more Beaufighters produced by UK and commonwealth than Bf 110s. The discussion is descending into whataboutery.
Zero kills, not in service, not operational

How does that change the fact that it flew before the 110 and therefore could not be a copy of it?

You might also want to do a bit of research before you make such statements.

I don't know about the kills but they built about 80 of 630 version and more (at least 40) of the 631 version (Gnome-Rhone engines). If not in service what did they do with them? park them? They issued them to squadrons and groups, they flew as night fighters over the 1939-40 winter although, like most night fighters, they scored very few (if any) kills because they had no radar (Nobody else did at this time).

So, in service and operational.

The Germans did not invent the concept of a heavy fighter and vast bulk of the heavy fighters of the late 30s and early 40s were NOT copied from the Bf 110.
fought till the end of the war inflicting numerous casualties if many sorts and excelling in other roles.
I would note that gun armed anti-tank was not one of the roles it excelled in. The 110C-6 with the 30, MK 101 gun was only issued to one unit and may not have been the units sole equipement. No further C-6s were made. The 110 with 37mm gun was, at best, service trialed against the Russians. It was disliked and did not enter production.

Sustaining hyundai losses does not the BMW worse
Sustaining hyundai losses does not the BMW worse
In the BoB the Bf 110 is not the topic of discussion, the topic is the LW bomber force it was supposed to protect. The losses of bombers AND Bf110s were unsustainable and so the LW gave up. As a bomber force the LW was at its peak before the Battle of France and despite all war time production it never regained that strength.

Again it was the NOT the first of it's kind and since it takes around two years from putting pencil to paper (there are exceptions) to first flight and another one to two years to got from first flight to service use NO multi seat twin engine heavy fighter that saw use in the late 30s or early 40s was a copy of the 110, they were not even inspired by the 110.
They were concurrent developments. Of which there were a lot of during the 30s and 40s.

The 110 was not revealed to the world until Sept of 1938 so getting anything copied from or inspired by it would take another few years.

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