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Again the chart with F4F-4 with Cyclone???
Detail Specification
Model F4F-4 Airplane
(Normal) Fighter (Bomber) (Overload) Fighter
Fuel (gals.) 110 110 144
Gross weight (lbs.) 7426 7424 7972
High speed at sea level (MPH) 275.0 265.1 274.4
High speed at 2500 ft. (MPH)* 281.8 271.8 281.1
High speed at 4600 ft. (MPH)* 283.1 273.0 282.7
High speed at 12,000 ft. (MPH)* 303.2 293.2 302.4
High speed at 14,000 ft. (MPH)* 304.5 294.3 303.8
High speed at max. engine rated alt. 19,000 ft (MPH) 317.0 307.1 315.0
High speed at airplane critical alt. 19,400 ft. (MPH) 318.0 308.2 316.1
Stalling speed at sea level with
full load and without power (MPH) 78.7 78.5 77.4
Stalling speed at sea level with
full load less fuel (MPH) without power 70.7 70.7 81.3
Stalling speed at sea level less 1/2
fuel (MPH) without power 75.0 74.9 76.8
Initial rate of climb at sea level (ft./min.) 1920 1810 1690
Time to climb to 10000 ft. (min.) 5.7 6.0 6.5
Time to climb to 20000 ft. (min.) 12.7 13.1 14.7
Service ceiling (ft.) 34800 34600 33600
F4F Performance Trials
Only way I can see HSHurricanes getting into US service is if a RN Fleet Carrier is loaned to the USN earlier than the USS Robin in 1943.
HMS Victorious (R38 ) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
HMS Victorious was equipped with Avengers and I think Martlets (equally could have been Wildcats not 100% sure either way) but if the need for a carrier was more urgent and an Illustrious with Hurricanes was all that was available with no time to modify for US planes then it might have happened.
I was surprised to see the reported claim that US aircrew and aircraft were embarked. I have always assumed the aircrew and craft were FAA. A bit disappointed.I liked the idea of naval aviation allies working together in the air as well as on deck. Probably too prone to error to be effective. "The bloody yank controller said what?" "Blimey mate!"
Victorious (as USS Robin) operated with an FAA air complement, but the aircraft were all US built. The plan was to ensure that Victorious's FAA and Saratoga's USN squadrons could operate from each other's carriers and in fact they did just that, but AFAIK, at no time was Victorious's air complement entirely USN. There's an interesting article here:
USS Robin part1 entitled: "USS Robin" : an account of the HMS Victorious' first mission to the Pacific which is drawn from a Master's thesis. During her deployment to the USN Victorious operated with FAA 882, 896, 898 fighter squadrons and FAA 832 strike squadron.
Ahhhh… I am relieved to find it was as I imagined. This account was a revelation. Thanks mate. Do you suppose the Tarpons were being loaded with the US Mark 13 torpedo?
Did the FAA actually ever request the Sea Hurricane? And if they did, was it before they had their request for a Seafire knocked back?
If they carried torpedoes it had to be the Mk 13, but I don't know what their load out was.
I had read in Scrivner's In action on the TBM/TBF that the FAA had requested some modifications to be performed by Blackburn and wondered if the TBF's bomb bay could be and/or had been extended to accommodate the longer British torpedo. Seems a crying shame to handicap a good a/c with an inferior fish, although I understand the Mk 13 was improved later in the war, I don't know the time frame.
"2.The ineffectiveness of the American Torpedo has necessitated the withdrawal of Avenger squadrons from HMS VICTORIOUS and the substitution of Barracudas. This has resulted in more Avengers being available for A/S work in the North Atlantic.
My understanding is that prior to Mid/late 1944 the Mk 13 was not very useful, and in fact, the FAA withdrew the TBF from CV operations until the torpedo issue was sorted out:
The following is coped from the site NAVweapons re the mk 13 torpedo. In 1943 it was as bad as the FAA thought
These problems continued into the early war years, with a mid-1943 analysis of 105 torpedoes dropped at speeds in excess of 150 knots found that 36 percent ran cold (did not start), 20 percent sank, 20 percent had poor deflection performance, 18 percent gave unsatisfactory depth performance, 2 percent ran on the surface and only 31 percent gave a satisfactory run. The total exceeds 100 percent as many torpedoes had more than one defect. The early models were further handicapped by the need to drop them low and slow - typically 50 feet (15 m) and 110 knots - which made the torpedo planes carrying them vulnerable to attack.
If navweapons say a US weapon was bad it really really stank. Whilst its not as bad as it once was the 50% bullsh*t factor on when it is talking about USN weapons still applies in many articles.
Talk all you want about Navweps BS factor but it's clear from the narrative provided by RCAFson that even after almost 4 years of war, the Royal navy may have gotten better torpedoes but it completely missed the importance of air conditioning and ice cream in war fighting!What a bunch of amateurs.