MG 151/20 shell colors

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According to the german ammo manual available here a black projectile should be AP, black with upper yellow band should be APHE, both without self-destructive fuse.
An upper green band should be a marking for self destructive fuse.

The upper of the two-set pics looks to be a 20x80 MG FF piece, yellow color = HE. The other marking looks like either like green or blue, a green band would be self destructive fuse but the position should be just below the ammo cap and not so much down below. A blue band would indicate an incendiary component, maybe this is a HE-I shell

The lower of the two looks like a 20x82 MG 151 incendiary with glow-tracer and self destructive fuse. Blue = incendiary, upper green band = self desructive fuse, lower dark red band = Glow-tracer, probably from an aircraft to operate at night (light red would be tracer).
hi its me again

i bought this round and i know its an AP round but i am not sure what the blue band denotes. can anyone tell me?

hi me again i found another round tucked away and yet again i am not sure what it is, apart from AP can anybody tell me?

its the same as this but the band is white
The only coloured bands on German 20mm AP projectiles which are shown in my source are:

Near the tip:
- yellow = HE
- blue = incendiary
- yellow over green = HE self-destruct

The addition of a red band around the base of any of the above indicates a tracer (the dim tracer has a slightly darker and wider band).

The colours may of course fade over time.

No band means just a plain AP

Tony Williams: Military gun and ammunition website and discussion forum
Hi there! I came across your discussion about the Mg-151/20 ammo, can anyone estimate how much these original cartridges cost and also the original Mg-151 machine gun. Does anyone know if they are available to purchase anywhere? Thanks in advance!
there sure is a few is just a couple of them..some Mg 151 bullets..some Mg FF and some flak 38


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a few more. these colour pics of the different types have been posted on another thread in here. just thought they would go well in here on this thread


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Nice pics of the ammo, working on a belt me too missing the yellow ones, and the limks then its good for the xmas tree!!

best U
Hi all:

Here is my compilation drawing of a 20 mm HE/incendiary w/ night tracer & self destruct fuse.



  • Fl 205004-001 20mm HEI round.pdf
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