Michael Vick Dogfighting Case Opens Racial Divide

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Saw all the people outside the Courthouse. Some pro-animal rights, some pro-Mike Vick rights. My first thought was, "Don't any of you clowns have jobs?"

Was it a weekend? Maybe they do have jobs and decided to take advantage of the weekend.

If it was a weekday, maybe they took the day off?
Animals are NOT the same as people.

While I agree that the molesting of a child is worse than animal cruelty you are wrong in what you say about animals.

It does not matter if they are not people. They are living beings that deserve to live there life peacefully as well and do not deserve to be abused or mistreated.

To think of them as lesser creatures is wrong...
They always told me, "a mind was a terrible thing" !

Yeah and just about everybody has one.

I don't put animals above people when it comes to making a choice but numerous studies have been done to show the connection between animal cruelty and criminal behavior. That should be the focus not "its only a dog".

And Tim I can tell you they don't have jobs. Most are life challenged.
Was it a weekend? Maybe they do have jobs and decided to take advantage of the weekend.

If it was a weekday, maybe they took the day off?

I'm pretty sure it was during a weekday. Matter of fact I'm sure of it.

They must've taken off. Either that or they have no jobs. I don't know many people who go to weekday demostrations. Most, if not all in my experience, are at work. That stuff usually happens after hours or on weekends.
My question, regarding the demonstrations for and against Vick, is who
pays for the signs. Most were professionally done.... and printing ain't
cheap ! I know, wife is a printer !!

Chris.... I agree with you about animals. "It's only a dog", doesn't cut it.

Do you send money to PETA? SPCA? World Wildlife Fund? These grass-roots orgs get all kinds of money and grants for this from numerous Organizations that people donate to.

When you see that little money can at the 7-11 next time, think of this.
Do you send money to PETA? SPCA? World Wildlife Fund? These grass-roots orgs get all kinds of money and grants for this from numerous Organizations that people donate to.

When you see that little money can at the 7-11 next time, think of this.

Agreed. Makes you wonder if the whole Non-Profit thing is nothing more than a scam for political advancement of a given agenda.
I don't know how much coverage other cities are giving this, but the Norfolk
(Va) "Virginian Pilot" is on top of it almost daily. I will keep the forum informed
of their ramblings.

And thats the issue, Tough, its not black or white, ITS A CELEBRITY AND THEY SHOULD KNOW BETTER! But the racial card always has to be played. Its sick.

"Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely."

Be afraid, be VERY afraid.

I've grown up with animals, had them all cats, dogs, horses. I sometimes don't understand the way that people treat them.

I am a Texan/Southerner and Dog Breeder.

Vick is innocent until proven guilty - if guilty my preference is that he gat a maximum sentence. Pit Bulls are at the top of the list for dog/human fatalities and this is part of the breeding practice that has brought them to this point.

Man has no more loyal companion than Dog

I raise Irish Wolfhounds, potentially the most dangerous dog based on size speed and power, for the past 4,000 years, since they were the "dogs of the Gods" in Celtic legends. Zero fatalities in the US according to CDC in a word where Dachshunds and Cocker Spaniels have killed humans.

I am so angry at this practice of dogfighting that I wisjh the penalty for conviction was to fight to the death another person convicted - winner gets euthanized.


I think the fair and impartial course of events for the Vick affair is this:

Suspension with pay for this season (Sorry Atlanta).

Banned from the league if found guilty regardless of whether it gets appealed or not.

Reinstated by the league if found innocent, but "shown" a clause in the new NFL rules about doing things contrary to "the good image of the league".

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