2nd Lieutenant
Latest book I am reading "Mig Alley to Mu Ghia Pass: Memoirs of a Korean War Ace" by Cecil G. Foster makes reference to him shooting down a Mig 17 in late 1952? He states that he saw an aircraft that he had not seen before with multiple "rails' on each wing and that he had not seen this on a Mig-15 before. Encounters starts by seeing another Mig 15 chasing and shooting at this aircraft, then breaking off. Then Mr. Foster jumped in and finished the job.
I always thought the Mig 17 was made operational several years after the Korean conflict ended? Am I correct, or where they in use during the Korean war?
I always thought the Mig 17 was made operational several years after the Korean conflict ended? Am I correct, or where they in use during the Korean war?