For sake of discussion, lets say that MiG bureau keeps the basic MiG-21 design as an insurance if the variable geometry does not work out as it was hoped for, and indeed MiG 23 encounters more of the serious problems than it did.
Development of the legacy fighter will need to address the shortcomings of it, like the low-speed abilities, long take off and landing run, short range/radius etc. Engines used are what MiG-21 use up until some time of late 1970s, with development itself continuing into late 1980s/early 1990s.
Development of the legacy fighter will need to address the shortcomings of it, like the low-speed abilities, long take off and landing run, short range/radius etc. Engines used are what MiG-21 use up until some time of late 1970s, with development itself continuing into late 1980s/early 1990s.