Mk.22-24 gear strut-doors pictures

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Nov 1, 2009
Miranda, NSW
I am doing the Eduard 1/48th Mk.22 as my first back in the hobby model and I had to scratch build the starboard gear door. I have decided to do something a little different and am in need of a picture of both door parts, that attached to the strut and the swinging half showing the hinge if possible. I would like to see the strut AND its pivot. So it would need to be out of the wing, or a good picture up the strut into the well. I'm gonna try and scratch build accurately these pieces for the diorama, a small one. Plane on jack stands of course. Thanks for any help I can get. Have not been ablt to find anything on the web. cheers, Bill

Strut from any Spitfire will do, as I am doubting they landing gear changed thru the variants. cheers, Bill
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I'll see what I can find Bill, might have something somewhere. BTW, there was a coinsiderable difference in the srtruts from the MkXIV onward, with length and rake, and very marked on the Mk22/24, with a different leg, wheel hub, oleo and torque link and mounting point/hinge.

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