Modern War Pics from lesofprimus...

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U guys see the marks on top of the GAU barrels??? This plane participated in Desert Storm and if I recall correctly, the pilot had scored several "kills" in this very aircraft...

Hadda be one hell of a landing when that tank landed.... I know of a couple of M1A1 guys that have chipped teeth...
Have you ever seen the pre-war picture of a Soviet BT-2 'flying'? If you haven't, look:

Sorry for sticking an image on your thread, les, it had to be done.
In WW1 when the tank came into service there was a demonstration in front of the Royal Family. A tank came down a huge drop, then came over to the royal stand and stopped. The King asked to speak to the crew and four men came out and talked to the King.
No one told the King that the other I think it was six members of the crew were still inside the tank but had been knocked out when it hit the ground.
yes i've seen a video clip of that, although when i saw it the commentary said they were all knocked out and the king went on to see something else!


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