Mohawk .IV - Hawk-75A-4

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Lieutenant Colonel
Apr 1, 2004
Has anyone got any information on the Mohawk .IV served with the RAF?

Information and pictures of RAF Mohawk IVs only, please. No I - IIIs! Ideally those over the CBI.

Thank you in advance.
Mohawk IV were used by squadrons no. 5 and 155 (only a brief time by 146 in 1942 and converted to Buffalo and Hurricane)
No 5 converted to Hurricane II in june 1943 and later to Thunderbolt.
No 155 to Spitfire VIII in jan. 1944
All of them operated in CBI in various roles: patrols, air defense, bomber escort, ground attack, recce.

What about the Specs. because I'm getting mixed reports of either 4 or 6 .303.
It's OK, I've found all the info I need. It had 6 .303's , two in the nose, four in the wings. Here are some pics.


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What an excellent aircraft, better high and low speed characteristics than the Spitfire Mk.I. Better take-off and climb characteristics.

I think speed is quite vital though and if it's slow at picking up speed from a dive as well, it won't be very good from above. It'd be more capable of evading destruction, rather than destroying. Unless of course someone gets into a turn fight with it. Perfect for fighting IJAAF Oskars and IJN Zeros!
plan_D said:
What an excellent aircraft, better high and low speed characteristics than the Spitfire Mk.I. Better take-off and climb characteristics.

Isn't it just, they arsed it up big time when they developed it into the P-40.
Such a waste of a potentially good aircraft.
It just need a more powerful engine and I think the Mohawk had the potential to be one of the best aircraft of war! I always thought it was dog until I read that.

The speed would be a problem. That's why they took it away from Europe. You've got Bf-109s diving down on you at high speed, it's going to be hard for the Mohawk to hit anything. Putting in the CBI was a good decision...A6Ms weren't very fast and liked to turn...

Still, the Hawks the FAF had didn't stand a chance when I come zooming in with my La-5! (On Il-2)
Did you also know that the Hawk-75 was the first US built aircraft to get a kill in both the European Pacific theatres of war? You don't get that kind of info from most "historians", this aircraft was mostly ignored.
What about the Specs. because I'm getting mixed reports of either 4 or 6 .303.
They all started with 6 x LMG but s time went on to try and save weight they went to 4 x LMG. Towards the end of their operational lives some were even tried with 2 x LMG but this was clearly insufficient.
I should add that this wasn't due to the headline performance but simply the aircraft were kept in the front line as long as possible and they were simply worn out

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