I was not unaware of any of the few valid issues with the aircraft that you have mentioned, but they aren't relevant. Don't confuse relevant with significant or important - the issues were significant and/or important, but they not relevant. It seems that you are attempting to dispute my conclusion by citing irrelevant information, moving the goalposts, and gatekeeping. Your objections are entirely arbitrary; there were only three boxes to be checked to answer the question. Finally, you fail completely to suggest an aircraft that does answer the question, so no matter how bad you paint the Arado, it remains the answer by default.
Oh I'm sorry! Perhaps you can provide some suggestions on how I can avoid citing irrelevant information, moving the goalposts and gatekeeping!
"Don't confuse relevant with significant or important - the issues were significant and/or important, but they not relevant."
I bet you slept at a Holiday Inn Express last night!