Most Beautiful Aircraft

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Got to see the Blue Angles in Tigers once or twice and like it a LOT as a display bird. They should have built the "Super Tiger." I, for one, would love to have seen it fly.

It's a bit homely but, if you were in Viet Nam and if you got your butt saved a few time by it, the old Skyraider is georgeous! It's the ONLY bird I know of that can orbit for an hour right over YOU and a half and drop something or shoot something on every pass to keep the bad guys pinned down.
I remember my folks taking me to see the Blue Angels back in the 60s when they were still using the F-11...what a beautiful plane in the sky! I forgot to mention another one too, the F-100 Super Saber! I also saw the Thunderbirds when they were using the F-100s...
Super Sabres were good display aircraft, too. Good bomb haulers in Viet Nam, but not very spritely when carrying bombs.

They were fairly rugged, like the F-86, and pretty reliable, too. I went through a time of the F-100 being a favorite and moved on, but I still like them, too.

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