Most beautiful ships....

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For me the finest looking ships ever built were the Tea Clippers, the last of which is the Cutty Sark, a few miles down the Road from me and has been a part of my life really, can you imagine how bad I feel about the fire.
My Handle on here and around the Internet is ver influenced by the second Tea clipper ever built...the Sea Witch.
Ask me and the fastest ship in the Tea Trade was the Hallowe'en, an iron hulled stable mate of the Cutty Sark.
They were excellent ships - they found their way into many navies as well.
The sole surviving example (as far as I know), HMCS Sackville, is here in Halifax. They're not much to look at, but they virtually carried the Battle of the Atlantic for quite some time in the early days. Especially for the RCN.
i go with Adler and choose Bismarck-Tirpitz.
impressive perfection. i like the Yamato-Musashi combo aswell, eventhough smaller ships could be beautiful aswell.i found a nice gif of the types of Kriegsmarine.Sadly its kinda small.
Flower class corvette

Not sexy, not big, rolled on wet grass, not well armed.

But did a lions share of fighting and sub killing in the most brutal conditions.

I agree anything over a heavy swell and they where on their beam ends, almost but not quite as bad as the landing vessels at least the Corvette had a bit of free board and a sharpish front end but nevertheless not the nicest of ships to be on an arctic convoy in let alone try and fight subs at the same time.
definitely one for the matlots with cast iron stomachs.
Bismarck, Iowa, Yamato and other big ones look impressive but not really beautyful. I'd say Scharnhorst/Gneisenau look best of them although not as impressive as the bigger ones.
And which of them would you prefer?

The Scharnhorst or the Gneisenau?

These are two different ships.

Also with different shape.

I prefer the Scharnhorst.
What are you looking for when you say "beautiful' ? A cutter bow ?
A sloop stern ?

How about this baby, the USCGC "Eagle".....



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Gotta love the Cutty Sark .. a more beautiful sailing vessel was never built...

I'm sure u guys have heard about the tragic fire:

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I've been on a few of these ships.. the Constitution, Eagle, Iowa and new jersey.

HMS victory is on my wish list!


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A unconventional view of the New Jersey... great lines!


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The NJ is impressive to see in person. She's a very beautiful ship.

I wish every American could take a walk on her decks.. too bad she's in retirement. I was lucky enough to be on her twice and the Missouri once..

I love the teak wood decks.

I ALMOST made it on the Iowa too....
I think the high fore peak was a design feature for better sea kindliness on the NJ at 108ft beam limit in order to negotiate the Panama canal it probably helped.

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