Most Dangerous Position on a Bomber....?

Whats the most dangerous position on an Allied Bomber during WW2?

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The team that was sent out to make a reconnaissance of the plant had so much equipment, they had to 'shuttle' it all the way over the glacier.
That is to say, they carried half of the gear several miles, and then after dumping it, went back to get the other half. Then they would keep repeating the process all the way.
and they were only able to do it by some miracle, one of the Nerwegian temm members came from that area as a child and they actually found one of the sleds he used as a child, they said they wouldn't have been able to do if if they didn't have the sled..................

Scuse me, it was Allied intelligence that decided to conduct the operation. Which arm executed the operation is not the point.
the lancaster kicks ass said:
well not really as it turns out they didn't need the heavy water, how pissed off must the germans have been when they realised..............

They never did. Details at even this level about the A-Bomb program really didn't hit the public until about the 60's.
it was Allied intelligence that decided to conduct the operation. Which arm executed the operation is not the point.

ah, so you're saying it was the allies that discouvered it, which means naturally means the amercians destryed it, dude intelligence destroys nothing, the people that carried out the raid are the people that destryed it, simple as that, face it, the americans didn't destry it................
Medvedya said:
It wasn't even 'Allied' intelligence - it was strictly an S.O.E project.

No the evidence is that the orders to destroy the facility came right out of the Manhattan project. From there it was handed to the British to take care of, which they did with great results.
No the evidence is that the orders to destroy the facility came right out of the Manhattan project.

ah so naturally that means the amercans destryed it like you said before, as they were the ones that gave the order, i'm sorry for ever thinking the british ever had anything to do with it.............

For God sakes, when I think of the W. Front of Europe, I think of the USA and Britian as being one side. I should have said "Allies" in my orginal statement.
I think the most dangerous place on a bomber during the bomb run would be in the bloody bomb bay. Imagine getting your sodding parachute harness cought on one of those 1000 pounders and going all the way down from 30,000 feet. Keep in mind you're carrying a walk-around O2 tank so you're going to be awake for the whole ride.
actually in a lanc the only person that could have come in contact with the bomb bay doors was the bomb aimer, the pilot and flight engineer actally could have gone straight into the props but you have to remember they would wait a while to get clear of their plane before opening their shoot.................
Depends on the bomber of course. The Lanc's bomb bay was completely enclosed, away from the crew. There were two little round windows fixed into where the bay jutted up inside the fuselage, so that the bomb aimer could check for a 'hang-up.'

Yeah but did the crew really sit in the bomb bay for the whole journey?
Thought not...
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