Mother nature winner and loser (snake vs toad ) be warned

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A cane toad... oh yes. But it doesn't seem to be an Australian andemic amphibian.

The fella above looks like being interested in your models. It might have been a scout.
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i kid you not. this is a true storey. Once quite recently, near canberra, i was driving down a rough dirt road, flanked by 1.5m high rural fences on either side of the road. The width of the road reserve was probably about 8m. There was a mob of kangaros, with two stuck on one side. one was a very big buck, the other looked like a female, but cant be sure. Effortlessly, as i drove down this road, the buck lept over the two fences and the road in one jump. I clocked him at over 40kmh and he got airborne that was well above the height of the truck. They can be pretty energetic....There have been numerous fatalities on australian roads from roos. one case that i know of, the roo came through the screen and decapitated the occupants as it travelled from the front of the vehicle to the back. That animal is understood to have survived the encounter.
Here in Poland it is easier to hit a wild boar than a roo or a moose on a road. But damages made to a car can be the same terrible. On the other hand, two years ago a troop of European bisons bottled up an airfield of one of the PAF airbases. Just the grass there must have been very tasty for them.
My late mother feared snakes greatly. She was born on a farm in Nebraska and was trained never to go out on the porch before checking for rattlers.
As a kid in Regina Sask., I once proudly brought home a garter snake, knowing full well it would freak her out. It did! The Devil made me do it.

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