My Apologies or How I Walked to Hawaii and Back Without Using A Rental Car

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Well, well, well. It is very heartening to see some still remember me. Thought I would post a half-azzed explanation of my absence and maybe make amends. Lots of things happened in my life the last few years and stuff weighed me down and reaching through the computer for comfort wasn't my idea of 'fixing' things.

I was wrong.

For those who don't know, the Pre-Wife had lung cancer 5 years ago and while she had the removal of a part of her lung and did not have to do chemo or rad, things changed. I retired from chasing pooches and things got even tougher but thats another story. Went through a succession of odd jobs just to keep the blood flowing. I had 3 of my childhood best friends pass away and I think that is the one thing I really can't handle. My dad and mum, my brother and a myriad numbers of close, very close people had been wiped from my life. I am diminished.

I decided that with my time left, I was going to do the things I loved. After my divorce 20 years ago, I got back in plastic modelling. But with the recent nastiness, I got the band back as Marcel knows! And we became somewhat successful in our area. I was getting the groove back.

But I still had a pain, lump, feeling, monkey on my back. Mostly melancholy. Increasingly I would drive around the local area and remember times and things I did and it mostly made me depressed. Then 3 years ago the Pre-Wife and myself started talking. About escaping. Moving on. Doing what WE want to do.

So after research and investigation, last week we bought a motorhome. Or as Terry says, a Tin Tent. A 1994 Fleetwood Bounder 34j with all the trimmings including a tow dolly. All for $10,000. Clear. No mortgage or rent. Its ours. We are going to cruise the country and live off grid where we want and see this land of ours. I quit the band (its in good hands) and we have a target date of March 1 to roll on out. I'm feeling better and have a new outlook and..... I'm thinking of being a presence around here again. I miss this place.

So with that I want to apologize for the emptiness and lack of compassion for everyone here. And apologies especially to the Mods and Admins of the site - Chris (very sorry dude), Marcel, and all the rest. I did not mean to be AWOL but hopefully I can contribute again. Things are getting brighter for me and hopefully I can shine some of that this way. I miss everyone.


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Nice wheels. Tin Tent Two. Hope you share some parts of the journey here.
Good luck and pic up a model. A plastic one. No.. with wings not the Hollywood version and have a bit of fun with that. See you here soon.
Welcome back. The thing about good friends and family is, it doesn't really matter how long you're gone for, or why. when you turn back up again, its like you never left.

My Mother and her new partner have just done exactly what you have - purchased a converted bus, and are going to spend retirement travelling.

So good luck, and have fun. Hopefully we'll see you around here a bit more.

Damn good to see you my friend! My deepest sympathy for all the crap you've gone through, that just blows. If you ever make it to the Carolinas let me know. Until then, safe travels to you and the Pre-Mrs.
Joe, thats not good. :(
The west end of Colfax (by where I'm at) has a lot of new development going on but at night it's a war zone, but at least all the riff raff is mainly in one area. Certain parts of Colfax by downtown are still trendy and have some cool clubs but you have to look over your back. The far east end by Aurora is horrible
The west end of Colfax (by where I'm at) has a lot of new development going on but at night it's a war zone, but at least all the riff raff is mainly in one area. Certain parts of Colfax by downtown are still trendy and have some cool clubs but you have to look over your back. The far east end by Aurora is horrible
Thats where I was - Aurora. Oh well.
Good to have you back with us. You've been through a lot over the past few years. I've always believed that if it doesn't kill me, I'll be stronger afterward. Enjoy your travels my friend.
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