My classic aviationbooks collection

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Sep 19, 2006
I love the smell of old books, especially if they are about aviation. My preference are what I call "pioneers books", books written by pilots who have done a "first flight, usually during the 1920ies.

Anyway I'll post photos from my collection here for you guys to enjoy.

My first one "door de lucht naar Indië" (dutch) 1926. About the first flight from Amsterdam to Batavia in the first version of a Fokker VII. Took months. I didn't take a photo of the cover as I wrapped it in a protective sheet as it's in bad condition.

Edit: unfortunately photos from my phone are rotated here. Will fix that later.

Another Dutch book, In Storm en Zonnebrand (In Storm and Sunscreen) by Lt, Koppen, about the 3rd flight to Batavia. Published in 1928 I believe. Unfortunately I don't have the book written by Geissendorfer about the 2nd flight with the millionair Lear-Black. He seems to have written a nice little pamflet which is extremely rare. Not even a copy on the Internet


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