My Next IL2 Video: Black Friday, III.JG54....

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Alright guys, trying to get as much info as I can concerning this dreadful day so I can re-create it in my IL2 Music Video format... I have the Green Hearts Dora 9 book by Axel Urbanke as my main ref and it goes into some great detail, atleast on the German side of things....

Dave, Im gonna need some bigtime help from u Brother, I hope u got some time for this one.....

I havent been too successful getting some of the details sorted out, and I want this vid to be the best Tribute to this horrendous day....

I called Erich yesterday on the phone and talked alittle bit about it, but some details are still lost.... Heres what I got so far, a brief summary for those who dont know about one of the worst days of the Luftwaffe.... The main gimmick with this day was the loss of Gruppenkommandeur Hauptmann Robert "Basi" Weiss...

If anyone can give some assistance with some of the details missing, the aviation community and myself in particular would be eternally grateful....

29 December, 1944... Taking off from Varrelbusch at 10:15am, the Stabsschwarm led by Hptm Weiss and 11. staffel under Hptm Bottlander (20 aircraft) are directed to 2,000 meters flying South to intercept fighter bombers in the Munster-Rheine area...

At 10:45, enemy aircraft are sighted below them and Weiss calls the bounce... They had run into the midst of a large formation of 20+ Typhoons of 439 Sqd RCAF and 168 Sqd RAF busting up some trains... Very soon, the German formation was broken up by the superior forces of the 2nd TAF..

All over the Vreden/Bentheim/Coesfeld triangle pairs and fours of German fighters were engaged with the Typhoons... First to fall was Yellow 10 of Fw Kreisel of 11. Staffel, shortly followed by 2 members of the Stabsschwarm, Black 3 of Oblt Bellaire and Black 4 of Uffz Rupp... All 3 went down with their machines....

After the initial bounce, Fw Ungar of 11. Staffel got on the tail of a Tiffy over the train tracks and a disabled train, and with alot of deflection shot it down at about 500 meters, crashing with the pilot, either F/L Gibbon (JR 323) or F/O Plant (MN 639), both from 168 Sq (both were listed as lost)... Another successful German pilot, Uffz Rey of 11. Staffel also shot down one of the Typhoons, most likely that of W/O Church from 438 Sq RCAF...

During the same engagement, Spitfires joined the fray... Ofw Philipp of 11. Staffel and Knight Cross recipient with 80 victories, flying Yellow 6, managed to knock down one of the attacking Spitfires before himself being shot down, taking to his parachute near Nordham... The chute "bunned" up, and upon hitting the ground received so many fractures he never returned to combat...

Getting back to Fw Ungar, after knocking down the Typhoon, he spotted 2 D-9s at low level headed North at about 10:50am... Leading the Rotte was Hptm Weiss flying Black 10 with Fw Neersen flying Black 2, the last 2 surviving members of the Stab... Joined by a 4th D-9, that of Oblt Schreiner from 11. Staffel flying Yellow 9, they flew towards the town of Lengerich...

They were then spotted by 10 Spitfires of 331 Norwegian Sq, led by Major Martin, flying at 2000 meters, who had just strafed 2 trains in the Osnabruck area...

Fw Ungar saw 3 aircraft approaching from behind, and at about 200 meters they broke to his right... He immediately identified them as Spitfires... Hptm Weiss, Fw Neersen and Oblt Schreiner pulled around to the right while Ungar flew straight ahead for fear of flying into the guns of the Spits.... He was chased briefly but escaped...

The same cannot be said for the remaining 3....

Oblt Schreiner was the first to fall, wrapped in flames he did not escape, the first victory for F/Sgt Haanes.... The remaining 2 Dora-9's turned into the attackers and joined combat.... Shortly thereafter, Fw Neersen crashed to his death, attempting to crash land his shot up Dora, shot down by 2/Lt Stousland... In the ensuing dogfight at low level, hopelessly outnumbered, Hauptmann Weiss was able to blow the entire tail section off of Capt Readers' Spitfire, coded PT 704, who failed to escape his spinning crate...

Almost immediately tho, Hptm Weiss' Dora-9 was hit and upon entering a steep dive, narrowly missed a farmhouse where Frau Schulte-Uhlenberg stood frozen with fear watching the German plane bearing directly at her.... Weiss was able to pull up before hitting the house and crashed into the woods 400 meters from the farm....

Thus ended the life of Hauptmann Robert "Basi" Weiss, holder of the Knights Cross with 121 victories... He was not credited with the victory over Capt Reader, as there was no one left alive to confirm this...

This is the part of Black Sunday that I want to re-create.... For the loss of 7 planes and 6 pilots, the members of the Stab and 11. Staffel claimed 4 aircraft destroyed, of which 3 can be confirmed through British sources....

The day gets worse however for III./JG54, as shortly thereafter, at around 12:00pm, 12. Staffel under Oblt Hans Dortenmann took off with 12 aircraft into the same area with the same orders to engage low flying fighter bombers.... He had however heard what was going on in the area and that enemy fighters were all over the place up to 5,000 meters...

He decided he would ignore his orders and fly his Staffel into the area at 5,500 meters to avoid the inevitable bounce by the RAF.... At 12:45 he sighted 10-15 Spitfire MkIXb's of 401 Sq RAF below in the area of Munster... Dortenmann got the first at 12:50 and 2 were credited to Fw Steinkamp.... The Brits however only lost 1 Spitfire according to their records....

12. Staffel did not escpae without loss however, as Uffz Zessin flying Red 12 who bailed out and Uffz Seibert in Red 7 who crashed to his death could not escape...

At around 1:00pm, 9. Staffel of JG54, led by Oblt Heilmann, took off with the same orders as the previous units... Knowing that Oblt Dortenmann had refused his orders and now facing a court martial, he led his unit into the area at the prescibed atitude of 2,000 meters South towards the Mittelland Canal...

After reaching the target area they began circling over the target area, and at 1:30 were bounced out of the sun by Spitfires of 411 Sq RCAF....

It was a brutal mistake...

In rapid succession, Uffz Fernau in White 7 died, then Uffz Toepler in White 1... Lt. Prager was able to knock one of the Spitfires down east of Messingen, the only victory for 9. Staffel.... Then, three more Dora-9's went down with their pilots, Uffz Reichardt flying White 11, Uffz Buch flying White 4 and Lt. Bartak flying White 8...

Upon nearing Rheine airfield, Fhr Schmauser, the youngest member of of 9. Staffel at 20 years old, was shot down and killed by F/Lt Cook of 411 Sq at a height of 4,000 meters....

Oblt Heilmanns D-9 also suffered heavy battle damage and belly landed near Munster-Handorf... The loss of 6 pilots and 7 planes meant that almost half of those that took off were killed....

III./JG54's total casualties for the day totaled 13 killed 2 wounded and 15 planes lost.... In the Munster district alone, 29 trains had been shot up, causing 9 killed and 66 wounded... In 2 days of fighting, III./JG54 had lost 20 pilots killed or wounded, a third of its flying personnel...

Black Friday goes down as one of the worst days for the Luftwaffe fighter arm....
Dave, Im gonna need some bigtime help from u Brother, I hope u got some time for this one.....
This looks like a kickass project!

I know the movie project last winter/spring was hellish, with my Dad's heart attack surgery down to my woman dumping me after all those years...but we still connected the dots!

I have all the time in the world for this one, count me in!
Actually, Sober is only 5 minutes long, so heres an official listing of what I working with at the moment as far as choices go....

Tool - The Pot 6:22
Tool - Parabola 6:06
Soundgarden - Hands All Over 6:00
Dream Theatre - As I Am 7:48

It really is tough tryin to pick a song for these vids man, certain elements HAVE to be there to make it "stick", u know???
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I hear ya' about the music...the elements of the song need to match the action and can be a hair pulling effort to get everything to come out in the end!

You seem to be able to pull it off every time though, so I have no doubt this next vid be of the same quality!

Take care and be well, bro!
Alright, so we're now into it.....

Skin info for the Brits/Norweigans: IMPORTANT ONES
spit Haanes flew FN H
spit Stousland flew FN S
spit Reader flew FN R
Spit lost to Philipp FN Z
Spit shoots down Philipp FN P
typh Church flew F3 C
typh Gibbon flew QC G
Typh kills Kreisel QC K
Typh kills Bellaire F3 B
Typh kills Rupp QC R
Typh F3 K,Q
Typh QC F,T,W
Spit FN A,M,Q

Weiss Black 10
Neersen Black 2
Bellaire Black 3
Rupp Black 4
Ungar Yellow 1
Philipp Yellow 6
Rey Yellow 8
Schreiner Yellow 9
Kreisel Yellow 10
Y 2,3,7

The only pilot skins I think we need are Weiss, Philipp, Haanes and Ungar.....

Ive been tryin to find some pics and so far a big fat zero.....

Thanks again for all ur help, and Merv in advance.....
OK here are the pics I shot from the book, came out pretty decent.....

Dave, we're gonna have to get Merv to work on the Spit code letters, looks like his are too small.....


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I wont need any after they get made by GrauGeist and Ontos lol.... For these 100% historical jobs, we spare no expense lol......

And they end up looking better than anything currently available...

Cool deal. Yeah, i have seen thier skinning jobs, and they are top notch. If you need any help with anything, let me know. Cant wait to see the video, as I know it will kick ass.

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