My Next IL2 Video: Black Friday, III.JG54....

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Yeah I know you prefer something abit more edgy and rough, but I figured the above maybe fitted the time period better in some ways, but you can experiment with that kind of music and see how it works out

X-Ray Dog is a music company which specializes in making music for big motion pictures and cinematic trailers, and Hans Zimmer is one of history's best composers ever also having supplied a lot music for big motion pictures. Both have made music in pretty much every major genre.

Anyway here's something more your style I think could work well as-well:


  • 21 - X-Ray Dog - Metal Mayhem.mp3
    6.1 MB · Views: 63
  • 23 - X-Ray Dog - Grungeboarder.mp3
    5.8 MB · Views: 52
  • 13 - X-Ray Dog - Killswitch.mp3
    4.1 MB · Views: 36
  • 09 - X-Ray Dog - Road Rash.mp3
    6.3 MB · Views: 42
Yeah I agree, Vangelis are great as-well.

This one by Trevor Jones, a great composer, is one of my all time favorites. So intense, closing your eyes it takes you on a journey:


  • 02 - Elk Hunt.mp3
    2.5 MB · Views: 61
Trevor Jones did some great works...while I like Elk Hunt, I think that Promentory would be awesome for a bomber intercept themed vid

The song's opening would be perfect for a pan of a large inbound group and then as the music transitions, in come the interceptors and work from there...

So many songs to work with...and so little time to do anything with 'em!

Fully agreed GG.
Gotta remember Soren, the reason behind the vids is 2 fold: On one hand its about the music that I really like, the other is about the historical approach to the game...

Im kinda like an Ogre with my music....

Haha, yeah I know

Anyway like I said, nomatter what music you use (Unless you start using smurf music ofcourse ) I'll keep watching and enjoying your vids, I really like the historical accuracy and camera work
ok here's what i found by going through the lists of typhoon serial numbers found in Hawker Typhoon the combat history by Richard Townshend Bickers.

dont think i missed any but will have another look as time permits

Typhoons lost on 29/12/1944

JR 332 168 sdrn shot down by Fw 190's near Steinfurt

MN 639 168 sdrn shot down by flak SW of Steinfurt

MN 791 439 sdrn shot down by Fw 190 near Coesfeld

RB 194 137 sdrn shot down by flak crash landed near Solingen

RB 201 440 sdrn shot down by flak near Gronau

sorry no squadron codes were included so i hope you can find them and i know the last two are not from the squadrons involved but i thought i might as well include all tiffie loses and i've posted the text as it's printed in the book
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Hey Karl, did they by any chance have the pilot's name noted along with the aircraft?

I see in my notes that MN 639 of 168 Sqd. was piloted by F/O Plant, but alot of the other pilots I have listed aren't connected to the radio call letters...

Great info, by the way!
sorry Dave no other details are givenj ust what i posted, notice it say's JR 332 shot down by Fw 190's but MN 791 shot down by Fw 190, any significance do you think ?

i'll look through the rest of the book to find any bits about the day in question and see if anything turns up
After further reading of 2nd TAF vol II i've found.

439 sdrn
RB 233 coded F f/o R.H Laurance
RB 281 coded A f/o A.H Fraser
JR 506 coded X f/o K.F Sage

though i'm guessing pilots did not fly the same aircraft on every mission

and on the claims list i posted in the other thread some aircraft radio codes and pilots are also shown
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Heres what I have sorted out so far on the principal guys in order of the video progression....

+ Weiss 210060 Black 10
+ Ungar ?????? Yellow ?
O Gibbons JR 323 QC ?
O Stubbs MN 265 QC ?
+ Kreisel 210076 Yellow 10
+ Philipp 210014 Yellow 6
O Plant MN 639 QC S
O Kay MN 267 QC L
+ Rupp 210055 Black 4
+ Bellaire 210016 Black 3
+ Rey ?????? Yellow ?
O Church MN791 5V ?
O Haanes ????? FN W
+ Schreiner 210128 Yellow 9
O Stousland PL 258 FN K
+ Neersen 210057 Black 2
O Raeder PT 704 FN B

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