My Next IL2 Video: Black Friday, III.JG54....

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Thank you for the kind comments, I am just a novice and slowly learning the trade. This is quite an interesting project and challenging for me. I am learning more about skinning with each new aircraft. I guess you would say the P-38 is my forte, mostly photo re-cons. I'm glad you all enjoy the skins. 8)

Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year with great friends and family.

Cheers mates.
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Working on the next skin for Cpt. Reader. Comments please. I added the Norwegian Spinner Stripes.


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Thanks B-17, I just finished FN-W for F/Sgt. Haanes.


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OK, heres the 6 skins Merv has accomplished so far.... Top notch sh!t right here fellas...

First 5 are from 331st Norwegian Squadron RAF; Reader, Haanes, Tilset, Stousland and Gran... Last one is a Spitfire from 411th Squadron RAF, flown by Cook...

Comments and corrections are needed before dropping them into the combat sequence....


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I might have to jump on that band wagon and get some skins from ya too, but im more intrested in the German skins when they get done and when your done with your final video. Looks great by the way.
OK, so now with the Hartmann video being completed, the time has come to try and get this one put into the can...

Ive got the opening titles and first few clips done... Dave got the Black 10 skin of Bazi Weiss completed and I have to say she looks marvelous....

Ive got an email, a facebook message and a PM in to Dave to see what the future of skin building has to offer us...

Heres a screener of Black 10...


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Been runnin through the mission pieces trying to get the action choreographed out some, get a feel for it while waiting for Dave to get the rest of the German skins completed...

What a bitch... The hardest one so far, the damn plane AI is D-U-M dumb......

Gonna be some killer shots though with this one... Rockets hittin trains, fighters fallin everywhere... Couple screen shots below of WIP....


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Well, this project has been waylaid because I've been falling behind here

In the past week, though, I have set up the skin's base layouts, but have run into a problem...

I can't find any profils on any of the Jg54 aircraft from Dec44, except for Weiss' and Dortenmann's. Dortenmann was Basi's replacement after he was killed, so his part in this video is nil.

I'm hoping someone has some info on the schemes...perhaps Erich might?

Once I get that info, I'll have these rolling out ASAP

I am your fan. But i have one question. Why use Tempest instead Typhoon? Typhoon exist in moded version Il2 (AAA, Ultrapack)

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