Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate 'Frank'-(1/48 Hasegawa)

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Hi guys! Long time no see!
I've finished the first of my two Hayates and the one remaining calls for more extra work. I'll keep you informed! I'll be happy to answer to any questions you may ask!

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Not exactly. I've had this nickname for years, I should've informed the forum earlier I guess. Thank you!

That's a pity you haven't informed us. Now there are two accouts here what isn't needed at all. Just curious why you stopped using the old one.
That's a pity you haven't informed us. Now there are two accouts here what isn't needed at all. Just curious why you stopped using the old one.
Since I started modelling Japanese aviation in 2009 I've used this nickname in Greek forums. If it is OK with the administration I'd like to keep my 'Tokkotai' identity. I've tried some times to make Russian or American model kits in the past but I can't help going back to my beloved IJNAF and IJAAF aeroplanes!
It's OK. But if there has been already an account created there wasn't the need to set another one. In other words you lost your previous posts points etc...
The Tokkotai sounds so brave, Panagiotis
Good job as ever
My surname is Koubetsou.. Tokubetsu Kōgekitai(特別攻撃隊 "Special Attack Unit") Makes someone think a little beyond..
Thank you all for your encouragement!
Now a question about the 2nd detailed Hayate model I'm building..If I'm right, were the first bunch of them which had wheel wells and wheel covers in aotake? I'll do my search but if anyone knows already I'd be glad if he let me know..
The aotake color rule was kept in 1943 from the first bunch but doubtful after 1944 because of material shortage.

Good idea for your new name, Koubetsou-san
Your surname can also be written like 区別 (kubetsu meaning classification)
The aotake color rule was kept in 1943 from the first bunch but doubtful after 1944 because of material shortage.

Good idea for your new name, Koubetsou-san
Your surname can also be written like 区別 (kubetsu meaning classification)

Thanks a lot for the the clarification I mean Shinpachi-san! Very interesting to know that!
Thank you all for your comments! I've decided that my second partially cutout Hayate will come from the profile above. I haven't seen any photos of the real 102nd Sentai bird but anyway I like the look of the different panel!
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Konnichi wa!
Some more wip photos here..First thing was to change the identiy from 246th to 102nd Sentai.Wasn't that difficult.

The emblem of the 102nd was sprayed-I hate decalling!

I also painted the cannibalised panel with XF-14 and upon that bloches of H-60 Gunze.Also I added white on the Hinomaru.

I made some cowling panels, a fuel tank and thje radio compartment cover and sprayed them aluminium.

You can see the difference with the kit plastic.

I also changed the look of the gear legs..

That's all for now. Any questions and comments are welcome..

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